Muslim, Zionist and proud | Ynetnews

British Muslim Kasim Hafeez writes about his visit to Israel:

I did not encounter an apartheid racist state, but rather, quite the opposite. I was confronted by synagogues, mosques and churches, by Jews and Arabs living together, by minorities playing huge parts in all areas of Israeli life, from the military to the judiciary. It was shocking and eye-opening. This wasn’t the evil Zionist Israel that I had been told about.

Perhaps there is a future for Israel/Palestine after all.

via Muslim, Zionist and proud – Israel Opinion, Ynetnews.

3 Replies to “Muslim, Zionist and proud | Ynetnews”

  1. Its like most things in life – you have to sometimes experience them yourself before you can make a judgement. The mass media is an arm of government now that cannot be trusted

    1. What a sweet piece of msm propaganda we have here today, did regev put this little piece out?…thanks for the laugh….still laughing……this is tongue-in-cheek, isn’t it?

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