Dirty money cost China $3.8 trillion | Reuters

By Stella Dawson

China has lost $3.79 trillion over the past decade in money smuggled out of the country, a massive amount that could weaken its economy and create instability, according to a new report. And the outflow — much of it from corruption, crime or tax evasion — is accelerating. China lost $472 billion in 2011, equivalent to 8.3 percent of its gross domestic product…..

via Dirty money cost China $3.8 trillion 2000-2011: report | Reuters.

Chinese TV Host Says Regime Nearly Bankrupt | Epoch Times

A sobering assessment of China’s economy reported by Matthew Robertson:

Larry Lang, chair professor of Finance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said in a lecture that he didn’t think was being recorded that the Chinese regime is in a serious economic crisis — on the brink of bankruptcy.

The youtube audio requires translation:


Robertson summarizes Lang’s assessment into five key points:

  1. The regime’s debt sits at about 36 trillion yuan (US$5.68 trillion).
  2. The real inflation rate is 16 percent, not 6.2 percent as claimed.
  3. There is serious excess capacity in the economy, and private consumption is only 30 percent of economic activity.
  4. Published GDP of 9 percent is also fabricated. According to Lang, GDP has contracted 10 percent.
  5. Taxes are too high. Last year, direct and indirect taxes on businesses amounted to 70 percent of earnings…..

via Chinese TV Host Says Regime Nearly Bankrupt | Business & Economy | China | Epoch Times.

A Hard Landing Down Under | The Big Picture

Andy Xie has a bearish outlook on China and believes 2013 could be a tough year for Australia:

The market went from not believing in China’s growth story a decade ago to extrapolating past performance into the infinite future……The year 2008 should have been the end of this boom cycle. China’s stimulus misled the market into believing otherwise…..The Australian economy is probably a bubble on top of China’s overinvestment bubble. The latter’s unwinding will sooner or later trigger the former to do so, too…..

via A Hard Landing Down Under | The Big Picture.

Why is China afraid of the Louisiana Purchase? | Foreign Policy

By Joshua Keating

The buying and selling of territory between states is a lot less common than it was in the days when European powers held vast overseas empires and there was significantly more terra nullius to be claimed….

On the other hand, given how many territorial disputes China is involved in at the moment, a study of how these conflicts have been resolved peacably in the past might not be a terrible idea.

via Why is China afraid of the Louisiana Purchase? | FP Passport.

China’s overinvestment: the problem of having too much

By Zarathustra:

How is it that an economy grows at 7.6% yoy is squeezing corporate profitability so hard? How is it that an economy growing at 7.6% yoy feel like there is not enough demand for all the goods and services being produced?…..The answer, to our mind, is quite simply that China has been investing in too much productive capacity…… The return on investments might be good before the financial crisis, yet the collapse of external demand after the financial crisis and more recently in the persistent Euro Crisis have cut external demand significantly. Meanwhile, domestic demand is not growing quite enough to pick up the slack created by collapse of external demand. Worse still, it is rather clear that domestic demand has been sustained by none other than investment itself. Thus, it should come as very little surprise that IMF’s estimate put China’s capacity utilisation at just about 60%.

via China’s overinvestment: the problem of having too much.

Hat tip to Macrobusiness.com.au

China’s steel mills braced for slowdown – FT.com

Wang Qinghai, chief executive of Shougang, one of China’s biggest state-owned mills, says one reason for slowing steel demand is that China is changing its economic development model. “The investment-led mode of economic development isn’t sustainable, so the government is actively lowering the growth rate . . . in order to create space for economic structural adjustment,” he said at a conference in Beijing on Saturday. That adjustment is a painful process, however, and Mr Wang summarises the outlook for the steel industry as “huge production capacity, a bleak market, and meagre profit”.

via China’s steel mills braced for slowdown – FT.com.

China: Why the Recovery Has Begun | PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM

A bullish outlook on China from Citi Research:

The key drivers of growth recovery are that de-stocking is near its end, the hard landing risk of the property sector is contained, and investment, consumption and exports had shown signs of improvement in June. In our view, given more policy supports in the near term, 3Q GDP growth will likely be flattish…….the planned Rmb360bn infrastructure investment will be fully implemented.

via China: Why the Recovery Has Begun | PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM.