China’s overinvestment: the problem of having too much

By Zarathustra:

How is it that an economy grows at 7.6% yoy is squeezing corporate profitability so hard? How is it that an economy growing at 7.6% yoy feel like there is not enough demand for all the goods and services being produced?…..The answer, to our mind, is quite simply that China has been investing in too much productive capacity…… The return on investments might be good before the financial crisis, yet the collapse of external demand after the financial crisis and more recently in the persistent Euro Crisis have cut external demand significantly. Meanwhile, domestic demand is not growing quite enough to pick up the slack created by collapse of external demand. Worse still, it is rather clear that domestic demand has been sustained by none other than investment itself. Thus, it should come as very little surprise that IMF’s estimate put China’s capacity utilisation at just about 60%.

via China’s overinvestment: the problem of having too much.

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