German Press Review of Cameron Call for British EU Referendum | SPIEGEL ONLINE

The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

“Cameron’s strategy may be dangerous, but his analysis isn’t wrong. Euro-zone integration is getting ever deeper and that has consequences for EU countries that are not part of the common currency. In general, the competitive capacity across the EU leaves a lot to be desired. And the people are growing more and more distant from ‘Europe’ and its institutions. None of this can be disputed. A few things need to be settled. Is it imperative that we continue transferring more power to ‘Brussels’? In what areas is it essential, indispensable in fact, that we act together? What role should national parliaments play in European policies? What’s clear is what the British do and do not want: They want an internal market and cooperation between member states, but they do not want an ‘ever-closer union’.”

Read more at German Press Review of Cameron Call for British EU Referendum – SPIEGEL ONLINE.