Politics Makes Us Worse | Aaron Ross Powell, Trevor Burrus | Libertarianism.org

Excerpt from an opinion by Aaron Ross Powell and Trevor Burrus:

Oddly, many believe that political decisionmaking is an egalitarian way of allowing all voices to be heard. Nearly everyone can vote, after all, and because no one has more than one vote, the outcome seems fair.

But outcomes in politics are hardly ever fair. Once decisions are given over to the political process, the only citizens who can affect the outcome are those with sufficient political power……

The black-and-white aspect of politics also encourages people to think in black-and-white terms……. Nuances of differences in opinions are traded for stark dichotomies that are largely fabrications. Thus, we get the “no regulation, hate the environment, hate poor people” party and the “socialist, nanny-state, hate the rich” party—and the discussions rarely go deeper than this…….

via Politics Makes Us Worse | Aaron Ross Powell, Trevor Burrus | Libertarianism.org.