Matt Busigin On Peak Capitalism | Business Insider

Joe Weisenthal presents the following two charts to illustrate how government is coping with falling manufacturing wages:

You’ve probably seen this chart many times, which shows wages declining as a percent of GDP over the last few decades.

Wages as a share of GDP

But things look a tad different when you look at wages PLUS government transfer payments (predominantly entitlement programs) as a share of GDP.

Wages plus entitlements as a share of GDP

What the writer fails to recognize is that lifting government welfare payments is not a solution. It is part of the problem. Increasing transfer payments encourages welfare dependancy and hinders the adaptive process that allows capitalism to adjust to new challenges.

Eventually the tail begins to wag the dog, with welfare dependents voting themselves increases. Economic stagnation evolves into economic deterioration, hindering new capital formation with excessive red tape and a rising welfare burden.

…..The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
via Matt Busigin On Peak Capitalism – Business Insider.

US: Poverty rates

From the US Department of Health & Human Services:

US Poverty Rates

I suspect that most US voters are concerned about poverty (don’t believe everything you are told during an election) but where they differ is on how to address the issue. The view from the left is to raise taxes on the rich in order to increase welfare benefits to the poor. The right believe the solution is to get the economy back on track. That would create more jobs and increase tax revenues — which could enable more welfare spending. It is important to avoid the trap of long-term welfare dependency, but the solution is always going to be a compromise between the two extremes.

If Republicans want to be taken seriously by Black and Hispanic voters they need to pay more than lip service to fighting poverty.

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“We are at the point where almost 50 percent of voters can go into that voting booth and pull the lever to vote themselves a raise….”