Iranians Planning to Create Environmental Catastrophe in Hormuz Strait – SPIEGEL ONLINE

By Erich Follath

Iran could be planning to create a vast oil spill in the Strait of Hormuz, according to a top secret report obtained by Western intelligence officials. The aim of the operation is to both temporarily block the vital shipping channel and to force a suspension of Western sanctions.

…..Western intelligence experts speculate that Jafari’s planned operation is an expression of growing frustration. ……..Iran derives more than 50 percent of its government revenue from oil exports, which declined from about 2.4 million barrels a day in July 2011 to about 1 million barrels in July 2012…….Iran can hardly sell its oil because of the embargo. Even countries that don’t feel bound to uphold the sanctions are shying away from deals, because no one wants to insure the oil shipments……

via Iranians Planning to Create Environmental Catastrophe in Hormuz Strait – SPIEGEL ONLINE.