Iron ore crash –

Spot iron ore prices have shed 19 percent so far this month in a sell-off largely fueled by slower construction steel demand in China, the world’s biggest buyer of imported iron ore at around 400 million tonnes a year.

In Europe, a more important market for Vale than Rio, steel markets have taken a knock given uncertainty surrounding the region’s debt crisis.

Growth of Europe’s steel production will slow in 2012 along with activity in the steel-using sectors, Eurofer, the European steel producers association, has forecast.

via Iron ore crash – |

Terms of trade shock brewing? –

As a simple exercise to give you some idea of where we’re headed, let’s refer to Rumplestatskin this morning, who shows that iron ore alone represents almost 30% of the export basket that makes up the terms of trade. Coal makes up another large component above 20%:

……So, if we use the conservative Westpac projection of a 16% fall in the value of iron ore and a 5% fall in value of total coal exports (which is obviously a very conservative guess because we don’t know the coking coal weighting), that would translate to a terms of trade fall around 12% in January next year.

via Terms of trade shock brewing? – |

Iron forward market softens – Phat Dragon | Westpac

The iron ore market is beginning to exhibit some signs of modest
unease, with 3mth forwards giving up significant ground while spot
has moved about 5% lower. From an export profitability perspective,
falls in the Australian dollar and Brazilian real have more than
covered the US dollar spot decline. Even so, to Phat Dragon’s eye
a cyclical correction in the ferrous metals sphere appears to be
underway and price expectations should be ratcheting downwards.

Excerpt from Westpac’s Phat Dragon weekly chronicle of the Chinese economy