The Ascent of Money: Niall Ferguson | Episode 4

Final episode — PLANET FINANCE — of a four-part series THE ASCENT OF MONEY. Economist and historian Niall Ferguson documents the evolution of money and banking through the ages.

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The Ascent of Money: Niall Ferguson | Episode 3

Third episode — RISKY BUSINESS — of a four-part series THE ASCENT OF MONEY. Economist and historian Niall Ferguson documents the evolution of money and banking through the ages.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

The Ascent of Money: Niall Ferguson | Episode 2

Second episode — BONDS OF WAR — of a four-part series THE ASCENT OF MONEY. Economist and historian Niall Ferguson documents the evolution of money and banking through the ages.

The Ascent of Money: Niall Ferguson | Episode 1

First episode — FROM BULLION TO BUBBLES — of a four-part series THE ASCENT OF MONEY. Economist and historian Niall Ferguson documents the evolution of money and banking through the ages.