Economists React: How Likely Is QE3 Following Jobs Data? – WSJ

CAPITAL ECONOMICS: QE3 will depend on second-quarter GDP and July’s ISM data because the jobs report was not bad enough to make QE3 “a done deal.” Both GDP and ISM numbers will be released just ahead of the Fed’s next policy meeting.

via Economists React: How Likely Is QE3 Following Jobs Data? – Real Time Economics – WSJ.

Comment:~ The range of opinion canvassed by WSJ leans toward the Fed holding off QE3 for the present because jobs numbers aren’t bad enough to warrant drastic intervention. In the long run QE appears inevitable — and not only in the US. There are three options: (1) stagnation with low growth and high unemployment; (2) debt-deflation as in 2009; and (3) inflation. Option (3) would reduce the public debt load by raising nominal GDP and rescue underwater homeowners and banks by lifting real estate values. Those on fixed incomes would suffer but they do not appear a powerful enough lobby to deter politicians from this course.

Europe Central Banks Fight Slowdown –

The ECB lowered its main lending rate by 0.25 percentage point to 0.75%, the lowest level in the central bank’s 13-year history. It reduced the rate it pays banks that deposit funds overnight with the central bank by the same amount, to zero. Both decisions were unanimous.

via Europe Central Banks Fight Slowdown –

Comment:~ Lowering interest rates will help restore liquidity, but will not fix the current solvency crisis.

Quantitative easing and the (lack of) responses in bond yields

…When the Fed was performing quantitative easing, treasury yields rose as the economy recovered and inflation expectation rose. On the other hand, treasury yields fall when the Fed was not performing quantitative easing as the period without quantitative easing coincided with the weakening of the economy as well as the deterioration of the Euro Crisis.

10-Year Treasury Yields

via Quantitative easing and the (lack of) responses in bond yields.

Comment:~ Quantitative easing (QE) expands the stock of money in the economy as the government, through its agent the Fed, issues new banknotes (or equivalent deposits) in payment of goods and services. The resulting inflation would drive up yields.

Bernanke Acknowledges Treasury Strategy at Odds With Fed Policy – WSJ

Kristina Peterson and Jon Hilsenrath: The Fed’s [Twist] program is designed to work by taking long-term bonds off the market, nudging investors into riskier assets, such as stocks, that could help boost the economy. The problem is that while the Fed has been snapping long-term bonds off the market, the Treasury Department has been ramping up its issuance of long-term debt to take advantage of historically low long-term rates. Since October 2008, the average maturity of outstanding marketable Treasurys has climbed by nearly 32%, reaching almost 64 months in May, the agency said earlier this month. That’s its highest level in a decade.

via Bernanke Acknowledges Treasury Strategy at Odds With Fed Policy – Real Time Economics – WSJ.

Fed Extends Operation Twist –

U.S. Federal Reserve officials extended through the end of the year a program meant to drive down long-term interest rates and signaled that they were “prepared to take further action” if needed amid heightened worry about the economy’s performance.

By continuing the program, known as “Operation Twist,” the Fed will buy $267 billion in long-term Treasury bonds and notes while it sells short-term Treasurys. The program had been set to expire this month.

via Fed Extends Operation Twist –

Westpac: China credit supply outstrips demand

Phat Dragon is placing the most value on new information regarding credit demand and supply. It is credit growth that tells us more about the shape of activity later this year than any other macro indicator……the supply side of the credit equation is moving decisively higher (greater policy emphasis, increased willingness to lend) but ……sluggish demand for loans is holding the system back. Indeed, the June quarter observation for “loan demand” (bankers’ assessment) fell to 12% below average, lower even than the Dec-2008 reading, even as the “lending attitude of banks” (corporate assessment) rose for a second straight quarter and the ‘easiness’ of the monetary policy stance (bankers’ assessment) rose to 21% above average.

via Westpac: Phat Dragon – a weekly chronicle of the Chinese economy.

Regulators Weigh Easing of Global Bank Rules –

Following months of intense industry pressure, regulators say they now plan to make it easier for banks to comply with a key provision of new international banking rules that will require lenders to maintain sufficiently deep pools of safe, liquid assets—like cash and government bonds—that can survive market meltdowns and other crises…..Among the planned changes, one would allow a wider variety of assets—such as gold and equities—to count toward banks’ liquidity buffers, according to people involved in the talks.

….Some experts warn that loosening the rules could lead banks to rely on assets that later become unsafe. “The widening of the definition [of eligible assets] can spell trouble, because we may discover illiquidity precisely when the liquidity is needed,” said Anat Admati, a professor at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.

via Regulators Weigh Easing of Global Bank Rules –

US banks face squeeze

Rising short-term interest rates (represented by 3-month Treasury yields on the chart below) caused negative yield differentials in 2006/2007 which led me to warn of an economic down-turn. Yield differentials are calculated by subtracting short-term (3-month) yields from long-term (10-year) yields. Banks borrow mostly at short-term rates and lend at long-term rates, generating a profitable interest margin. But when the yield differential turns negative, bank interest margins are squeezed, forcing them to contract lending. A lending contraction shrinks consumption + investment and sends the economy into a tail-spin.

Ten-Year Treasury Yield and Differential with Three-Month Yields

Negative yield differentials (or yield curves) are normally caused by rising short-term rates as in 2006/2007, but now we are witnessing the opposite phenomenon. Short-term rates are near zero, but falling long-term rates are starting to squeeze the yield differential from the opposite end. The situation is not yet desperate but a further decline in long-term yields would shrink bank interest margins. Fed initiation of QE3, purchasing additional long-term Treasuries, is likely to drive long-term rates lower and exacerbate the problem. The resulting contraction in bank lending would cause another economic down-turn.

Bair: Regulators Should Tighten Volcker Rule –

Jamila Trindle: Regulators should push derivatives out of federally backed banks and tighten the Volcker rule, former Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila Bair said Thursday.

“Don’t let insured deposits fund that activity,” Ms. Bair said at a roundtable on the Volcker rule held by staff of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

via Bair: Regulators Should Tighten Volcker Rule –

Dimon may be ‘stupid,’ but he’s right on banks – MarketWatch

David Weidner: A return to Glass-Steagall in the U.S. would effectively force the world to separate traditional banking from casino banking.

That system would be attractive to both sides. The banking system that holds our loans, our deposits, debts and assets would be separate from a Wild West free market unfettered by bank regulators and their constant worries about risk.

So why can’t the big financial institutions get behind this one? Simple. They want to gamble your money in the casino.

via Dimon may be ‘stupid,’ but he’s right on banks – David Weidner’s Writing on the Wall – MarketWatch.