5 Replies to “Nasdaq big picture”

  1. Colin, my point exactly! What has caused the markets to rally over the last year to the recent highs? The US is in the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time. There is no “Federal Reserve’. We have nothing in reserve. We have no gold. Our money is not even worth the paper it’s printed on. Our debt will destroy our economy with in the next year. Gold prices will have to hit the same price as the Dow 30 industrials sometime in the near future. As the US is now a service nation and does not make anything there is no trade deals. A war is on the horizon and there is no way to stop it. It would appear that man will self-destruct, and a creature from the bottom of the ocean will crawl up on land a few million years from now to start the process all over again. But, I hope this never happens in my lifetime. I can still be very optimistic. Live for today, for tomorrow may never come.

    1. There are many negatives and we need to be wary of dwelling on them while ignoring that it is the strongest economy in world history. War is always a threat that we should not ignore, but the risk of war is far less now than at any time in the last century. I suppose I sound like Pollyanna, but am just trying to emphasize the importance of taking a balanced view.

    1. Am I bullish on the india-sensex? I do not trade any other markets in the world. I am strictly focused on the US markets. Fridays volatility should be a precursor to what is about to happen to the markets in the near future. I mentioned war, and as the world turns, look what is happening now! President Obama is on the phone to the Russian president????? I hope the outcome is cool, calm and collected with no repercussions. I am still short the emerging markets fund using 200 times the moves. We will see what comes this next week in the markets as I am strictly a bear at this time. Again, I believe that the federal reserve is the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time and that some day in the future our dollar will be worthless as the debt clock continues up and over 18 Trillion dollars soon. So where are all the reserves? Fort Knox is empty.

  2. Colin, what do you think about the current war games taking place with the threats, sanctions and military build up in the European countries? I hope war is not in my life time but the way things are going, I believe I have predicted the future with my previous posts. I am very short on the US markets and remain short using Rydex funds that move 200% the move of the nasdaq 100. Been short since the number 3 top at 3710. 3717 was the number three top. I missed it by 7 points. Unless this 3717 area is violated by further price action over and above the price, I will remain short.

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