Prof. Steve Keen writes:
So what could the future hold for Prime Minister Abbott? Here I have a hunch that he’ll end up suffering a similar fate, not to the previous Liberal leader he admires – John Howard – but to ….. Malcolm Fraser.
Fraser, as noted, had the good fortune to take over from Whitlam after the bursting of the debt bubble was largely over, but the bad fortune that the revival in Australia’s bubble was considerably more anaemic than America’s. Abbott could well find himself experiencing a similar double-edged sword of fate. He will take over when the deleveraging that caused the GFC has come to a temporary halt, and demand will be rising in the US….. But this rise could peter out even more quickly than it did for Fraser, leading to anaemic economic performance that will be blamed on the politician rather than the times.
Read more at Why this is a bad time to win an election | Business Spectator.
Yeah right!
If you are a pessimist you could predict that but if you are an optimist you could predict a completely different future. Predictions are useless and the sooner we stop waffling on like this the better off we will all be
Certainly no worse than Rudd’s 07 Government walking face first into the GFC. Something the Australian people never forgave him for…