Numbers Tell of Failure in the War on Drugs –

If there is one number that embodies the seemingly intractable challenge imposed by the illegal drug trade on the relationship between the United States and Mexico, it is $177.26. That is the retail price, according to Drug Enforcement Administration data, of one gram of pure cocaine from your typical local pusher. That is 74 percent cheaper than it was 30 years ago.

via Numbers Tell of Failure in the War on Drugs –

2 Replies to “Numbers Tell of Failure in the War on Drugs –”

  1. 30 years ago cocaine was more highly valued than gold and hence is the story of the great decline of the health of society. Politicians are always happy to turn a blind eye to their friends in the crime industry as long as they get re-elected.

    1. All we are doing is wasting taxpayers money and enriching criminals. Politicians are quite happy for this to continue — rather than be accused of being “soft on drugs”.

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