Stocks battered by headwinds from Asia

Falling demand from China and rising inflation in Japan are both having an impact on stocks and Treasury markets. Precious metals have also suffered from the sell-off, while crude and industrial metals warn of a global contraction.


The top 7 technology stocks all fell, led by a steep plunge in Tesla (TSLA) and Nvidia (NVDA), two stocks with considerable exposure to China.

Top 7 Technology Stocks

The Nasdaq plunged 3.7%, its second 3.0% draw-down in July confirms selling pressure signaled by declining Trend Index peaks. Lawrence MacDonald:

The NDX went 17 months without a 3.0% drawdown. To us this means a lot. Looking back 20 years, these events come in patterns and clusters, NOT isolated events. This speaks to high volatility ahead.

Nasdaq 100 ETF (QQQ)

The S&P 500 recorded its first 2.0% draw-down in 357 trading days. Declining Trend Index peaks reflect selling pressure. Breach of support at 5400 is likely and would offer a target of 5200.

S&P 500

The S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index ($IQX) broke support at 6800, offering a target of 6600.

S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index

Declines were across the board, with both the Russell 1000 Large Cap ETF [blue] and Russell 2000 Small Cap ETF [pink] falling sharply.

Russell 1000 Large Cap ETF (IWB) & Russell 2000 Small Cap ETF (IWM)

Treasury Market

Two-year Treasury yields are falling in anticipation of an early rate cut by the Fed.

2-Year Treasury Yield

But 10-Year yields respected support at 4.20%, signaling a test of 4.5%.

10-Year Treasury Yield

Liquidity in financial markets is strong but rising long-term yields could come from Japanese selling in support of the Yen.

Japanese Yen

Jim Grant on the prospects for US and Japanese interest rates:

How the turntables have turned: as the Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan each prepare to render their respective rate decisions next week, recent events suggest a shift in the zeitgeist. Thus, former New York Fed president William Dudley took to the Bloomberg Opinion page Wednesday to lobby his former colleagues for a July cut, citing a weakening labor market along with ebbing inflationary pressures and moderating wage growth.

“I’ve long been in the ‘higher for longer’ camp. . . [but] the facts have changed, so I’ve changed my mind,” Dudley writes…..

Monetary crosswinds are swirling in the Far East. Futures assess the likelihood of a July BoJ hike from the current 0% to 0.1% range at 72%, up from 51% three weeks ago. Similarly, more than 90% of economists surveyed by Bloomberg “see the risk” that the BoJ will opt to pull the trigger, turning the page on its longstanding negative, now, zero-rates policy in the face of mounting price pressures.

To that end, core CPI grew a 2.6% annual clip in June, remaining north of the bank’s self-assigned 2% goal for the 27th consecutive month. On Friday, Tokyo’s Cabinet Office bumped its forecasted inflation rate over the fiscal year ending March 2025 to 2.8% from 2.5%.

“We expect underlying inflation to remain around 2% until early 2025, which we think will prompt the BoJ to hike rates both this month and in October,” writes Marcel Thielant, head of Asia-Pacific at Capital Economics, adding that pronounced currency weakness is placing upward pressure on the price level, as evidenced by a recent pickup in the “other industrial products” CPI component.

The prospect of simultaneous Fed and BoJ policy pivots duly resonates in the currency market, as the yen has snapped higher by 5% over the past three weeks to 154 per dollar after marking a near 40-year low against the buck. Hefty outlays from the Ministry of Finance in service of propping up the yen – estimated by Reuters at $38 billion in July alone – have added oomph to the present course correction.

“This week has seen more pronounced unwinding of carry trades, underscoring the concentration of short JPY positioning that is now facing intense pressure from Ministry of Finance intervention to support the [yen],” Richard Franulovich, head of FX strategy at Westpac Banking Corp, commented to Bloomberg this morning. “Local politicians have become more vocal about the economic dangers from unfettered JPY weakness,” he added.

Financial Markets

Monetary easing continues, with the Chicago Fed Financial Conditions Index declining to -0.58% on July 19, signaling rising liquidity in financial markets.

Chicago Fed Financial Conditions Index

Dollar & Gold

The Dollar Index continues to test support at 104, despite strengthening long-term Treasury yields.Dollar Index

Gold fell to $2,375 per ounce, signaling a test of long-term support at $2,300. Respect of $2,300 remains likely and would be a long-term bull signal for gold.

Spot Gold

Silver fell to $28 per ounce, signaling a bear market driven by falling industrial demand. Expect a test of support at $26.

Industrial demand for silver is falling as Chinese solar manufacturers face severe overcapacity:

China should push struggling solar manufacturers to exit the market as soon as possible to reduce severe overcapacity in a sector that’s vital to the energy transition, according to a major industry group. Central and local government, financial institutions, and companies should coordinate to speed up industry consolidation, Wang Bohua, head of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association, said at a solar conference in Zhejiang province on Thursday. ~ Bloomberg

Crude Oil

Nymex WTI crude ticked up slightly but is unlikely to reverse its steep down-trend, headed for a test of support between $72 and $73 per barrel.

Nymex WTI Crude

Low crude prices are likely to lead to falling inflation, increasing pressure on the Fed to cut interest rates.

Industrial Metals

Copper and aluminum continue in a strong down-trend as Chinese demand falls.

Copper & Aluminum

Iron ore has so far respected support at $106 per tonne. The steel industry faces similar overcapacity to other industrial metals and has only survived so far by exporting steel, driving down prices in international markets.

Iron Ore

But resistance is growing. Iron ore is likely to plunge if international markets, like India below, erect barriers to Chinese dumping.

Indian Steelmakers Suffer from Chinese Steel Exports


Financial market liquidity is strengthening but stocks and Treasury markets are being battered by headwinds from Asia.

The Bank of Japan is expected to hike interest rates at its next meeting in response to rising inflation caused by the weakening Japanese Yen. The result is likely to be bearish for US Treasuries, driving up long-term yields.

Falling demand from China is likely to impact on revenues from Western multinationals with large exposure, leading to a correction in stocks as growth prospects fade.

The probability of a rate cut at the next Fed meeting grows increasingly likely. Inflationary pressures are declining — as crude oil plunges in response to weak global demand — and economic headwinds are rising.

Gold and silver are likely to diverge. Silver is likely to enter a bear market as industrial demand from China fades, while gold is likely to benefit from safe-haven demand as the global economy contracts.

Industrial metals are already in a bear market which is likely to worsen as international resistance to China exporting its overcapacity grows.


Stocks and precious metals headed for a correction

Stocks are retreating across the board after climbing to dizzy heights in recent weeks. They continue to enjoy support, however, from falling Treasury yields and robust financial market liquidity. Support from crude oil is less certain, with a potential up-trend that could delay interest rate cuts.

Gold and silver are also retreating after strong gains in recent weeks. The correction appears to be a secondary movement. Base metals copper and aluminum are also weakening but the sell-off appears far stronger.


Three out of seven mega-caps in the S&P 500 (Nvidia, Tesla, and Meta Platforms) show gains on Thursday, while four declined.

Top 7 Technology Stocks

The S&P 500 as a whole declined steeply, headed for a test of support at 5500.

S&P 500

The equal-weighted index ($IQX) took a similar pounding, breaking support at 6900. Retracement that respects the new resistance level would confirm a target of 6600.

S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index

The retreat is across the board, with the Russell 2000 Small Cap ETF (IWM) [pink] falling faster than Russell 1000 Large Caps ETF (IWB) [blue] after spectacular gains earlier in the week.

Russell 1000 Large Cap ETF (IWB) & Russell 2000 Small Cap ETF (IWM),


Ten-year Treasury yields are retracing to test resistance at 4.2%. Respect is likely and would confirm our short-term target of 4.0%. Declining Trend Index peaks below zero continue to warn of downward pressure on yields. The low inflation outlook is bullish for bonds.

10-Year Treasury Yield

Financial Markets

Commercial bank reserves at the Fed finished largely unchanged for the week ended Wednesday, July 17, suggesting stable liquidity levels.

Commercial Bank Reserves at the Fed

Bitcoin is retracing to test support at $60K; respect would signal rising liquidity in financial markets.


Labor Market

Initial claims climbed to 243K for the week ended July 13. This still well below levels normally seen leading up to a recession.

Initial Claims

Continued unemployment below 2.0m indicate a tight labor market.

Continued Claims

The Conference Board Leading Economic Indicator shows signs of a recovery after initially warning of a recession with a fall below -5.0%.

Conference Board Leading Economic Indicator

Dollar & Gold

The Dollar index reversed its sharp fall from Wednesday. Penetration of the descending trendline would warn of another test of 105 but we think this is unlikely considering the fall in Treasury yields.

Dollar Index

Gold retreated below support at $2,450 per ounce, indicating another test of $2,400. Respect of $2,400 would signal another attempt at $2,500, while breach would warn of a correction to $2,300.

Spot Gold

Silver followed through below $30, headed for a test of primary support at $29.

Spot Silver

Declining Trend Index peaks warn of medium-term selling pressure. But respect of support at $29 per ounce would suggest a target of $35 per ounce.

Spot Silver

Crude Oil

Nymex WTI crude steadied at close to $83 per barrel. Respect of resistance at $84 would be a strong bear signal.

Nymex WTI Crude

Brent crude is similarly testing resistance at $86 per barrel. Breach of support at $84 would be a strong bear signal.

Brent Crude

Base Metals

Copper broke support at $9,400 per metric ton. Expect retracement to test the new resistance level but respect is likely and would confirm the long-term target of $8,000.


Copper and aluminum track each other closely. The down-trend below has a likely target of $2,200 and is bearish for copper.



Stocks and precious metals appear headed for a much-needed correction after climbing to dizzy heights in recent weeks.

Of the three pillars, falling Treasury yields and robust financial market liquidity continue to support stocks. But crude oil is less certain, with a potential up-trend that would threaten higher inflation and could delay interest rate cuts.

Gold and silver are also retreating, after strong gains in recent weeks, in what appears to be a secondary correction. Support would provide a base for further gains.

But weakness in copper and aluminum is more concerning, signaling slowing demand from China which could easily trigger a global recession.


Small caps signal Risk On

Falling Treasury yields and a surge in liquidity in financial markets is bullish for stocks, bonds and precious metals. The rotation from growth to value has slowed, while increased interest in small caps signals risk on for stocks.

Crude and base metals are weakening as demand from China slows. Uranium prices are also testing support, despite long-term growth prospects.

Financial Markets

Bitcoin rebounded from $56K to $64K, confirming a resurgence of liquidity in financial markets. Retracement that respects support at $60K would strengthen the bull signal.



Ten-year Treasury yields are testing support at 4.2%, reflecting optimism over an early rate cut. Breach of support is likely and would offer a target of 4.0%.

S&P 500


The sector rotation between growth and value has slowed, with both the Russell 1000 Growth ETF (green) and Value (blue) advancing at a similar rate.

Russell 1000 Growth ETF (IWF) & Russell 1000 Value ETF (IWD)

The S&P 500 made a small gain but the weak close and declining Trend Index warn of selling pressure.

S&P 500

The equal-weighted index ($IQX) shows a similar weak close, retracing to test support at 6800.

S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index ($IQX)

But the rotation into small caps continues, with the Russell 2000 Small Caps ETF (Pink) closing the gap with the large cap Russell 1000 ETF (blue).

Russell 1000 Large Cap ETF (IWB) & Russell 2000 Small Cap ETF (IWM)

Precious Metals

Gold respected support at $2,400 per ounce, signaling another test of $2,450. Rising Trend Index troughs continue to signal buying pressure.

Spot Gold

Silver remains below resistance at $31 per ounce, with a lower Trend Index peak warning of secondary selling pressure. Another test of $30 is likely.

Spot Silver

Crude Oil

Nymex WTI crude continues to test support at $82 per barrel. Breach of $80 would be a strong bear signal.

Nymex WTI Crude

Brent crude retreated below support at $86 per barrel. Breach of $84 would offer a similar strong bear signal.

Brent Crude

Falling crude prices would ease the prospect of resurgent inflation and increase the likelihood of an early Fed rate cut.

Base Metals

Aluminum broke support at $2,420 per metric ton, warning of another decline. Retracement that respects the new resistance level would strengthen the bear signal.

Copper and aluminum tend to track each other closely, so the breach is bearish for copper as well.



The Sprott Physical Uranium Trust (SRUUF) respected resistance at $20.50, signaling another test of support at $18.50. Breach of $18.50 would signal a down-trend for uranium prices.

Sprott Physical Uranium Trust (SRUUF)

Several uranium stocks, apart from Canadian miner Cameco (red), are testing support levels. Uranium Stocks


Treasury yields are declining as prospects for an early rate cut grow. Stock prices are also supported by rising liquidity in financial markets.

The rotation from growth to value sectors has slowed but the move to small caps is accelerating, signaling a more aggressive risk on stance from investors.

Weak crude prices are also bullish for stocks and bonds. The prospect of lower inflation is likely to result in lower Treasury yields.

Gold respected support at $2,400 per ounce, indicating another test of $2,450, boosted by the prospect of falling Treasury yields and a weaker Dollar. Silver lags behind, encountering stronger selling pressure and less domestic demand from China.

Aluminum broke support, signaling a down-trend. This is a bear signal for copper which tends to track closely.

Uranium is also looking bearish, with several stocks testing support levels.


S&P 500 retreats, along with crude and precious metals

Treasury yields are trending upwards, as inflation proves persistent, but also driven by the scarcity of foreign buyers in the UST market. Rising Japanese long-term yields, the result of a weak Yen and higher inflation, make Treasuries less attractive to Japanese institutional investors. Geopolitical tensions have also motivated the BRICS, led by China, and the Saudis, to reduce exposure to the Dollar and increase their gold reserves.

10-Year Treasury yields are retracing to test support at 4.5%. Rising Trend Index troughs indicate upward pressure and respect of support would confirm another test of 4.7%.

10-Year Treasury Yield

Liquidity in financial markets is improving, however, with commercial bank reserves restoring almost half of the amount lost during the April tax payment season.

Commercial Bank Reserves at the Fed


The S&P 500 is undergoing a retracement, likely to test support at 5200. Declining Trend Index peaks warn of secondary selling pressure, with the strong primary up-trend unlikely to be threatened.

S&P 500

The equal-weighted S&P 500 fared slightly better, finding short-term support at 6600. But a steeper Trend Index decline warns of stronger selling pressure. Breach of 6600 would warn of a test of primary support at 6450.

S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index

Gold and the Dollar

The Dollar index twice respected resistance at 105 and another test of the key 104 level is likely. Breach of 104 and the rising trendline would warn of a reversal to test the band of primary support (red) between 100 and 101.

Dollar Index

Gold made a weak recovery above support at $2330 per ounce. The Trend Index warns of significant selling pressure and another test of primary support at $2280 is likely. Domestic Chinese demand remains strong, however, with the Shanghai Gold Exchange Au99.99 contract trading at an equivalent of $2373 per ounce.

Spot Gold

Silver also shows selling pressure, with a lower peak on the Trend Index. Another test of support at $30 per ounce is likely.

Spot Silver

Crude Oil

Nymex light crude is again testing support at $78 per barrel after a strong inventory build reported by the EIA. Follow-through below $77 would signal another decline, with a likely test of primary support at $68.

Nymex Light Crude

Crude oil and petroleum inventories are rebuilding after a decline in early 2024.

Crude Oil & Refined Petroleum Products Inventory

The managed money short position in Brent Crude futures is at its highest level since 2020, suggesting a bearish outlook for crude oil. But beware of a surprise OPEC+ production cut in the lead-up to the November US elections.

Crude Oil Short Positions


The key variable in our short-term outlook is financial market liquidity. That is improving and should support stock prices.

In the long-term, lower crude oil prices are expected to ease inflationary pressures and allow the Fed to maintain easy monetary policies. But the Treasury market is susceptible to selling by foreign investors — which should maintain upward pressure on long-term yields.

Lower inflation and higher long-term yields are bearish for precious metals. But these are outweighed by increased central bank buying due to geopolitical tensions and collapse of the Chinese real estate market. This has left domestic investors shifting to Gold as an alternative store of value.

We remain short-term bullish on stocks. Long-term, we prefer critical materials needed for the energy transition — especially lithium, copper and uranium; heavy electrical industry; and defensive sectors with strong dividends.


Strong US jobs data but signs that growth is slowing

The S&P 500 retreated Friday, the bearish engulfing candle and a lower peak on the Trend Index warn of a test of support at 5050. The longer-term outlook remains bullish, with rising Trend Index troughs above zero signaling unusual buying pressure.

S&P 500

S&P 500 (purple below) outperformed the broader Equal-Weighted S&P 500 (lime green) in February, a bullish sign. Periods when $IQX outperforms the general index ($INX) can highlight when the top stocks are no longer participating in the advance — a strong bear signal.

S&P 500 & S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index

Labor Market

The economy added 275,000 jobs in February, a strong result.


Of the cyclical sectors that normally lead the economic cycle, manufacturing showed a small loss of 4K jobs but construction and transport & warehousing showed gains of 23K and 20K respectively.

Employment: Cyclical Sectors

The unemployment rate increased to 3.9% as more people entered the workforce. The 3-month moving average of the unemployment rate has increased 27 basis points (red below) from its preceding low. According to the Sahm Rule — developed by former Fed economist Claudia Sahm — a 50 basis point increase signals the start of a recession, while 35 points provides an early warning.

Unemployment Rate & 3-Month Moving Average

Average weekly hours worked ticked up to 34.3 hours but the downward trend warns that the economy is slowing.

Average Weekly Hours Worked

Another good indicator is the quit rate which soars when the labor market is tight and jobs are readily available. The down-trend since 2022 indicates that the heat is coming out of the job market.

Quit Rate

The decline in average hourly earnings annual growth is slowing.

Average Hourly Earnings

But the February monthly rate fell sharply, after a strong January. The 3-month moving average growth rate of 1.0% — 4.0% annualized — suggests further easing ahead despite a robust economy.

Average Hourly Earnings - Monthly Change

Aggregate weekly hours worked (purple below) are growing at an annual rate of 1.2%. We are unlikely to see productivity benefits from AI this year and real GDP growth (blue) is expected to converge with the slower labor growth rate.

Real GDP Growth & Aggregate Weekly Hours Worked

Financial Markets

10-Year Treasury yields found short-term support above 4.0%. Retracement to test the new resistance level at 4.20% is now likely. Respect of resistance would confirm the target of 3.80%.

10-Year Treasury Yield

The Chicago Fed Financial Conditions Index ticked up to -0.47 but continues below zero, signaling easy monetary policy.

Chicago Fed Financial Conditions Index

Commercial bank cash assets — primarily reserves at the Fed — are leveling off at $3.6 trillion.

Commercial Bank Cash Assets (Primarily Reserves at the Fed)

Strong growth in bank reserves over the last 6 months is unlikely to be repeated, with a decline expected after the Fed’s reverse repo (RRP) balance is drained. Money market funds are switching to T-Bills. After the RRP is depleted, further Treasury issuance is likely to be taken up by private investors — either through direct purchases or by switching from bank deposits to money market funds.

Reverse Repo (RRP)

Bank time deposits are still growing but the rate of growth, especially in retail deposits (blue below), has fallen dramatically over the past 12 months. Negative growth would be a strong recession warning.

Commercial Bank Time Deposits

Gold & the Dollar

The Dollar Index broke support at 103, warning of a decline to 100. Retracement that respects the new resistance level at 103 would confirm the target.

Dollar Index

Gold continues to climb, reaching close to $2200 per ounce on during the day. A weaker close signals some profit taking but is so far insufficient to set off retracement. Follow-through above $2200 would lead us to revise our short-term target to $2250 — calculated as $2050 + ($2050 – 1850).

Spot Gold

Our long-term target of $2450 is calculated as $2050 + ($2050 – $1650).

Spot Gold

Crude & Commodities

Brent crude continues in a narrow range between $82 and $84 per barrel. Downward breakout would offer short-term relief but supply issues threaten a rally to test resistance at $90 per barrel — warning of higher inflation in the months ahead.

Faster-than-expected land inventory drawdowns due to seaborne trade disruptions from the Red Sea crisis have prompted Goldman Sachs to revise up its forecast for summer peak Brent Crude prices to $87 per barrel, up by $2 from earlier expectations.

“OECD commercial stocks on land have drawn somewhat faster than expected as the redirection of flows away from the Red Sea has increased inventories on water,” analysts at the investment bank wrote in a Sunday note, as carried by Reuters. ~

Brent Crude

Copper broke through resistance at $8500 per metric ton, signaling an advance to $9000, but expect retracement to test the new support level first.


China’s real estate/financial woes are weighing more heavily on iron ore which continues to test support at $114 per metric ton.

Iron Ore

Uranium has fallen about 20% from its peak earlier in the year, with the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust (SRUUF) testing support at 20. Respect of support would suggest another advance with a target of 30.

Sprott Physical Uranium Fund

Please note: This is not a recommendation to buy SRUUF. It is simply being used as an indicator of physical uranium prices.

Growth in electricity demand is likely to have more than doubled in 2023 as data centers, crypto-mining and re-shored manufacturing facilities joined the grid.

Washington Post: US Electricity Demand


Demand for stocks and Gold is booming. Investors seek real assets ahead of anticipated June rate cuts by the Fed and a likely resurgence in inflation.

The labor market remains tight but there are signs that upward pressure on average hourly earnings is easing as growth in aggregate weekly hours worked slows.

Declining reverse repo (RRP) balances at the Fed warn that bank reserves are likely to decline in the not-too-distant future. Liquidity is expected to tighten unless the Fed slows QT after the RRP is drained. The current $95 billion per month reduction in the Fed holdings of securities cannot be sustained without hurting liquidity in financial markets. A liquidity contraction is unlikely before the November elections but would cause a sharp fall in stock prices.

An alternative for the Fed would be to encourage commercial banks to buy Treasuries by excluding USTs from bank SLR leverage calculations. But that seems less likely than tapering QT, especially after the Silicon Valley Bank disaster where SVB took huge losses on their holdings of long-duration Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities.

We are overweight Gold, Critical Materials and Defensive stocks. We feel that Technology stocks and Industrial Real Estate are over-priced and will wait for better opportunities in 2025.



Dovish Fed, Dollar falls, Gold climbs

Long-term Treasury yields plunged in response to a dovish Fed meeting which kept rates on hold, with a target range of 5.25% – 5.00%. Ten-year Treasury yields are now testing our target at 4.0%.

10-Year Treasury Yield

Declining inflation and signs of labor market easing moved the FOMC to discard the additional rate hike and increase projected rate cuts to 75 basis points next year. Their dot plot now shows 2024 ending with a target range of 4.5% – 4.75%.

10-Year Treasury Yield

Unemployment is forecast to rise to 4.1%, from 3.8% at the end of 2023, but still close to full employment. PCE inflation is projected to slow from 2.8% at the end of ’23 to 2.4% by the end of ’24, with real GDP growth slowing from 2.6% in 2023 to 1.4% next year.

QT continues unchanged at the rate of $95 billion per month: $60 billion Treasuries and $35 billion MBS.

The S&P 500 closed at 4707, headed for a test of its previous high at 4800. Breakout would signal a primary advance, with a target of 5500.

S&P 500

The equal-weighted S&P 500 ($IQX) also rallied strongly, testing medium-term resistance at 6300, compared to the early 2022 high of 6665.

S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index

Large caps show plenty of buyer interest but the Russell 2000 small caps ETF lags far behind. Normally small caps lead in the first stage of a bull market, so this warns that investors are more risk-averse than in a typical bull market.

Russell 2000 Small Caps ETF (IWM)

Gold & the Dollar

The Dollar weakened, as no doubt intended. Breach of support at 102.50 would offer a target of 100.

Dollar Index

Gold jumped to $2031 per troy ounce. Recovery above $2000 signals another test of resistance at the earlier close of $2070. Dollar Index breach of support at 102.50 would be likely to push Gold above $2070, confirming the medium-term target of $2250 per ounce.

Spot Gold


The bull-trend in stocks, bonds and Gold continues. Breakout to new highs on the S&P 500 and Gold are likely. But beware that the bullish outlook is built on an unstable foundation, with commodities warning of a global recession and record-high federal debt-to-GDP limiting Fed options if the Treasury market is threatened by large outflows.


Copper breaks support while crude gets hammered

Copper broke support at $7900/tonne, signaling a primary decline with a target of its 2022 low at $7000. The primary down-trend warns of a global economic contraction.


The bear signal has yet to be confirmed by the broader-based Dow Jones Industrial Metals Index ($BIM) which is testing primary support at 155.

DJ Industrial Metals Index ($BIM)

Crude oil

Crude fell sharply this week, after a 3-month rally.

Nymex Light Crude

The fall was spurred by an early build of gasoline stocks ahead of winter, raising concerns of declining demand.

Gasoline inventories added a substantial 6.5 million barrels for the week to September 29, compared with a build of 1 million barrels for the previous week. Gasoline inventories are now 1% above the five-year average for this time of year….. production averaged 8.8 million barrels daily last week, which compared with 9.1 million barrels daily for the prior week. (

Gasoline Stocks

Crude inventories have stabilized after a sharp decline during the release of strategic petroleum reserves (SPR).

EIA Crude Inventory

Releases from the SPR stopped in July — which coincides with the start of the recent crude rally. It will be interesting to see next week if a dip in this week’s SPR contributed to weak crude prices.

Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR)

Stocks & Bonds

The 10-year Treasury yield recovered to 4.78% on Friday.

10-Year Treasury Yield

Rising yields are driven by:

  • a large fiscal deficit of close to $2T;
  • commercial banks reducing Treasury holdings; and
  • the Bank of Japan allowing a limited rise in bond yields which could cause an outflow from USTs.

Bank of Japan - YCC

The S&P 500 rallied on the back of a strong labor report.

S&P 500

The S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index test of primary support at 5600 is, however, likely to continue.

S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index

Expect another Russell 2000 small caps ETF (IWM) test of primary support at 170 as well.

Russell 2000 Small Caps ETF (IWM)

Labor Market

The BLS report for September, with job gains of 336K, reflects a robust economy and strong labor market.

Job Gains

Average hourly earnings growth slowed to 0.207% in September, or 2.5% annualized. Manufacturing wages reflect higher growth — 4.0% annualized — but that is a small slice of the economy compared to services.

Average Hourly Earnings

Average weekly hours worked — a leading indicator — remains stable at 34.4 hours/week.

Average Weekly Hours

Unemployment remained steady at 6.36 million, while job openings jumped in August, maintaining a sizable shortage.

Job Openings & Unemployment

Real GDP (blue) is expected to slow in Q3 to 1.5%, matching declining growth in aggregate weekly hours worked (purple).

Real GDP & Hours Worked

Dollar & Gold

The Dollar Index retraced to test new support at 106 but is unlikely to reverse course while Treasury yields are rising.

Dollar Index

Gold is testing primary support at $1800 per ounce, while Trend Index troughs below zero warn of selling pressure. Rising long-term Treasury yields and a strong Dollar are likely to weaken demand for Gold.

Spot Gold


Long-term Treasury yields are expected to rise, fueled by strong supply (fiscal deficits) and weak demand (from foreign investors and commercial banks). The outlook for rate cuts from the Fed is also fading as labor market remains tight.

The sharp drop in crude oil seems an overreaction when the labor market is strong and demand is likely to be robust. Further releases from the strategic petroleum reserve (SPR), a sharp fall in Chinese purchases, or an increase in supply (from Iran or Venezuela) seem unlikely at present.

Falling copper prices warn of a global economic contraction led by China, with Europe likely to follow. Confirmation by Dow Jones Industrial Metals Index ($BIM) breach of primary support at 155 would strengthen the bear signal.

Strong Treasury yields and a strong Dollar are likely to weaken demand for Gold unless there is increased instability, either geopolitical or financial.

Active managers and Index funds: How to avoid the pitfalls and get the best of both worlds

From James Kirby at The Australian:

Australia’s big fund managers are now openly bagging index funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs)….Keep away from index funds and ETFs, they cry, the market is too tough for investors to blindly follow an index-style fund when returns are as modest as we have seen in recent times….

But rather than flinging mud back at the active managers…. the passive brigade has instead made two killer moves.

The first move is to reveal quite plainly how the active managers are performing — and they are performing dismally.

The second move is to continually cut prices — or fees — to the point that active managers look very expensive indeed.

Dow Jones’ Indices versus Active Australia Scorecard:

Australian General Equity (Large-Cap) Funds

59.7% underperformed the S&P/ASX 200 Index over one year

69.2% underperformed the benchmark in a five-year period

International Equity General

80.7% underperformed the S&P Developed ex-Australia Large Cap Index in a one-year period

91.9% underperformed the benchmark in a five-year period

I have two major concerns with index funds:

First, index funds reward size, not performance. The bigger a corporation grows, and the bigger its weighting in the index, the more stock an index fund will buy. Over time the index is likely to grow increasingly dominated by a herd of dinosaurs — earning low returns on a large asset pool and unable/unlikely to adapt to change — headed for extinction.

Second, active fund managers perform a valuable role for the entire market, conducting in-depth research of industries, visiting companies and evaluating prospects and performance. Their resulting purchases and sales inform the entire market as to prospective value and under-pin long-term market value. Increasing dominance of passive index funds erodes this capability and will hasten the growth of my first concern.

An easy way to counter the first concern is to invest in equal-weighted index funds. These do not reward size, instead investing an equal amount in each stock in the index instead of weighting by market capitalization.

Apart from eliminating the size bias, the equal-weighted index has another major advantage. It out-performs cap-weighted indices by a sizable margin. The graph below shows the S&P 500 Equal-Weighted Index achieved an annual performance of 8.53% compared to 7.03% for the regular S&P 500 Index, over the last 10 years.

Performance Comparison: S&P 500 (TR) Index v. S&P 500 EWI (TR) Index

The only way to address the second concern is to keep a sizable part of your portfolio with active managers. Don’t blindly follow performance — last year’s winners are often this year’s losers — but follow managers with reasonable fees and proven long-term ability to outperform the index.