Inflation outlook

March consumer price index (CPI) is due for release on Friday. Producer prices, released Tuesday, ticked upwards after a sharp December/January fall on the back of plunging crude oil prices.

PPI Finished Goods

Average hourly earnings growth (non-supervisory manufacturing jobs), however, retreated below 1.0%.

Average Hourly Earnings

CPI is likely to remain heavily affected by oil prices, but core CPI (excluding food and energy) is expected to remain close to the Fed’s target of 2.0%.

CPI and Core CPI

Is China sliding towards deflation? | beyondbrics

Robert Cookson: Chinese policy makers spend a lot of their time worrying about inflation. But the growing risk now appears to be deflation….

The PPI index has already turned negative [and] year-on-year growth in money supply has plunged to a level that in the past been consistent with CPI of between zero and 1 per cent…..

via Is China sliding towards deflation? | beyondbrics.