A currency war has begun….

Spot Gold

The Federal Reserve, Bank of England, European Central Bank and Bank of Japan all expanded their balance sheets (commonly referred to as quantitative easing or QE for short) post-2008 to counteract a contracting money supply and prevent a deflationary spiral. These actions also have the beneficial effect of weakening the currency and improving international competitiveness.

China was considered immune because of its persistent current account surplus and $4 Trillion in foreign reserves. But the recent sharp contraction in Chinese exports to the EU suggest otherwise.

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) responded by effectively devaluing the Yuan. So far the “one-off adjustment” has been repeated on three consecutive days.


The Euro appreciated considerably against the US dollar as CNY carry trades are unwound.


Gold broke out of its narrow rectangle between $1080 and $1100 per ounce as investors scuttled to the safety of bullion.

Spot Gold

* Target calculation: 1100 – ( 1200 – 1100 ) = 1000

The Yen displays little net gain or loss.


The Dollar Index does not include China’s Yuan and is falling primarily because of the Euro. The Broad Trade-Weighted Index which includes the Yuan is calculated weekly; so it will take a few days before we can assess the impact.

Dollar Index

Competing devaluations are likely to continue as each state (or trading block) attempts to maintain an export surplus. This is a zero sum game, so each action will inevitably elicit an equivalent response from major trading partners. Currency markets are awash with vast sums of liquid capital and an estimated $9 Trillion in carry trades (where hedge funds borrow in a low-interest-rate currency and invest in another at higher rates). Any beggar-thy-neighbor escalation is likely to destabilize financial markets and the precarious balance may prove difficult to restore.

During the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis George Soros called for international regulation of financial markets to prevent a reoccurrence.

It is time to recognize that financial markets are inherently unstable. Imposing market discipline means imposing instability, and how much instability can society take? …. To put it bluntly, the choice confronting us is whether we will regulate global financial markets internationally or leave it to each individual state to protect its interests as best it can. The latter course will surely lead to the breakdown of the gigantic circulatory system, which goes under the name of global capitalism.

~ George Soros: The Crisis of Global Capitalism (1998)


IEA: At Least Another Year Before Oil Markets Rebalance | OilPrice.com

Desperate times, desperate acts

Crude fall continues

Let the Global Race to the Bottom Begin | Foreign Policy

Window on Eurasia: Kyiv Must Work to Isolate Moscow Rather than Negotiate with It

Goldman Sachs Doubles Down On Lower-For-Longer Scenario | OilPrice.com

Philip Glass: 100,000 People

Desperate times, desperate acts

A sharp fall in global trade is the most likely reason for China’s decision to devalue the Yuan — not aspirations for CNY to be considered a reserve currency.

There are clear signs that global trade is contracting. Shipbrokers Harper Petersen’s Harpex weekly index of charter rates for container vessels fell 9 percent in July and August is following a similar path. Reduced demand for container shipping reflects a sharp fall-off in international trade in manufactured goods.

Harpex Index

Tyler Durden from zerohedge.com highlighted China’s falling exports last week (August 8):

Goldman breaks down the geographic slowdown:

  • Exports to the US contracted 1.3% yoy, down from the +12.0% yoy in June.
  • Exports to Japan fell 13.0% yoy in July, vs -6.0%yoy in June
  • Exports to the Euro area went down 12.3% yoy, vs -3.4% yoy in June.
  • Exports to ASEAN grew 1.4% yoy, vs +8.4% yoy in June
  • Exports to Hong Kong declined 14.9% yoy, vs -0.5% yoy in June.

Slower sequential export growth likely contributed to the slowdown in industrial production growth in July. Weaker export growth is likely putting more downward pressure on the currency, though whether the government will allow some modest depreciation to happen remains to be seen.

Durden presciently concludes:

As global trade continues to disintegrate, and as a desperate China finally joins the global currency war, it will have no choice but to devalue next.

Michael Leibowitz at 720Global.com also warns of the destabilizing effect carry trades may have on any adjustment:

The “one-off” adjustment has now become two…. this devaluation is likely not a one-time event but rather the beginning of an ongoing and persistent depreciation of the CNY versus the USD. The embedded USD short position within the [estimated $2Tn to $3Tn] carry trades will begin to result in losses and margin calls as the USD appreciates versus the CNY, thus forcing investors to liquidate some of their positions. These trades, which took years to amass, could unwind abruptly and exert an influence of historic magnitude on markets and economies.

Read more at 1997 Asian Currency Crisis Redux | Zerohedge.

Let the Global Race to the Bottom Begin | Foreign Policy

Patrick Chovanec writes:

On Aug. 11, the People’s Bank of China announced a decision to devalue China’s currency — the renminbi, or RMB — by 1.9 percent, by resetting the daily band within which it’s traded…..

The Chinese will try to argue they are just letting the market have its way. This is misleading: For years, the Chinese prevented the RMB from rising in value by buying nearly $4 trillion in foreign currency. The current market “equilibrium” is predicated on that massive distortion. The only way to get to a truly market-based RMB is to first unwind China’s past intervention by supporting the RMB and drawing down China’s foreign currency reserves. We shouldn’t want the RMB to float until that happens…..

Read more at Let the Global Race to the Bottom Begin | Foreign Policy.