Economists React: How Likely Is QE3 Following Jobs Data? – WSJ

CAPITAL ECONOMICS: QE3 will depend on second-quarter GDP and July’s ISM data because the jobs report was not bad enough to make QE3 “a done deal.” Both GDP and ISM numbers will be released just ahead of the Fed’s next policy meeting.

via Economists React: How Likely Is QE3 Following Jobs Data? – Real Time Economics – WSJ.

Comment:~ The range of opinion canvassed by WSJ leans toward the Fed holding off QE3 for the present because jobs numbers aren’t bad enough to warrant drastic intervention. In the long run QE appears inevitable — and not only in the US. There are three options: (1) stagnation with low growth and high unemployment; (2) debt-deflation as in 2009; and (3) inflation. Option (3) would reduce the public debt load by raising nominal GDP and rescue underwater homeowners and banks by lifting real estate values. Those on fixed incomes would suffer but they do not appear a powerful enough lobby to deter politicians from this course.

China in deflation, and how to reflate it at all costs

Zarathustra: [Chinese] over-investment over the past many years, and particularly in the years after the financial crisis, has created massive over-capacity across the economy that no one is really able to quantify. We have already got over-building in the real estate sector which resulted in massive number of empty apartments and empty shopping malls…. We are also aware of the over-capacity and inventory build-up in various sectors like coal and steel….. steel industry profits have fallen by 96.7% in the first four months of the year compared to the same period a year ago….. actual CPI figures are already in negative territory on a month-on-month basis. In short, deflation is already here for China….

via China in deflation, and how to reflate it at all costs.

Frau Merkel, it really is a euro crisis – Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

The reason this crisis keeps grinding ever deeper is because the euro itself is a machine for perpetual destruction. The currency is fundamentally warped and misaligned. It spans a 30pc gap in competitiveness between North and South. Intra-EMU current account deficits have become vast, chronic, and corrosive. Monetary Union is inherently poisonous.

The countries in trouble no longer have the policy tools — interest rates, QE, liquidity, and exchange rates — to lift themselves out of debt-deflation. Just as they had few tools to prevent a catastrophic credit bubble during the boom. Their travails were caused in great part by negative real interest rates set by the ECB (irresponsibly) for German needs.

via Frau Merkel, it really is a euro crisis – Telegraph Blogs.