PHIL FLYNN: The Brent crude versus WTI spread has blown out to the highest levels since last October surging over $20 on a combination of gluts, cuts and nuts. As U.S. refiners go into hibernation against a backdrop of weak demand, supply in the U.S. continues to rise. Refiners are cutting runs dramatically at a time when we are seeing rising Canadian oil sand production as well as shale liquids that is creating a glut of crude that seems to be getting more glutinous by the minute. Weak refining margins and the approaching shoulder season are weighing in on the West Texas Intermediate.
On the other hand, Europe scrambles as fears that the nuts in Iran may do something crazy in response to the tightening economic noose around their necks. Add to that a wickedly cold winter and Asian refiners hoarding supply, and we have Brent crude on a tear….
via Brent oil on tear with Iran sanctions, Europe winters – Commodities – Futures Magazine.