Dimon in the Rough: JP Morgan Loses $2B on Failed Trade

JPMorgan Chase & Co lost $2 billion on a failed hedge, an unexpected revelation that hit hard the bank that had been seen as the smartest and safest player through the credit crisis that began to erupt in 2007.

via Dimon in the Rough: JP Morgan Loses $2B on Failed Trade.

Comment: Writing good headlines is an art. Occasionally you find a gem like this. It wins my vote for headline of the week.

Paul L. Kasriel: Don’t End the Fed, Mend the Fed

Although the return to a gold standard for our monetary system has much appeal, it is unlikely to occur. So, let’s not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Perhaps there is second-best monetary policy approach to the gold standard that might achieve most of the desirable outcomes of a gold standard but might have a greater probability of actually being adopted……. My suggested approach is very similar to one advocated by Milton Friedman at least 60 years ago. The more things change, the more they stay the same, I guess. I am proposing that the Federal Reserve target and control growth in the sum of credit created by private monetary financial institutions (commercial banks, S&Ls and credit unions) and the credit created by the Fed itself. I believe that this approach to monetary policy would reduce the amplitude of business cycles, would prevent sustained rapid increases in the prices of goods/services and would prevent asset-price bubbles of the magnitude of the recent NASDAQ and housing experiences.

econtrarian_043012.pdf (application/pdf Object).

FRB| Governor Tarullo: Regulatory Reform since the Financial Crisis

It is sobering to recognize that, more than four years after the failure of Bear Stearns began the acute phase of the financial crisis, so much remains to be done–in implementing reforms that have already been developed, in modifying or supplementing these reforms as needed, and in fashioning a reform program to address shadow banking concerns. For some time my concern has been that the momentum generated during the crisis will wane or be redirected to other issues before reforms have been completed. As you can tell from my remarks today, this remains a very real concern.

via FRB: Speech–Tarullo, Regulatory Reform since the Financial Crisis–May 2, 2012.

Basel takes aim at Mega Bank – MacroBusiness

Deep T: On the one side we have an Australian housing market which is close to the most unaffordable in the world with mortgage debt at 100% of GDP also close to the highest of any country, yet Mega Bank [the Big Four banks] calculates its minimum capital requirements at 1.6% on residential mortgages which undoubtedly would be close to the lowest of any bank in the world….. Surely, the result the Basel Committee assessment is a foregone conclusion?

Sadly, no. On the other side, however, we have an equally formidable opponent. Do not underestimate the politico-housing complex. The smoke screens will be built and a whitewash is on the cards. Australia has a history of painting a very rosy picture of our financial system and housing market in the face of significant known risk factors.

via Basel takes aim at Mega Bank – MacroBusiness.

Watch out! Is the Fed pushing us into another bubble? – Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

The Fed’s actions have kept Treasury bond prices high (while keeping the government’s interest costs low), but the fundamentals do not support the high valuations, given the fiscal mess we are in. Sooner or later, the bond bubble will burst. History has shown that a structurally weak economy combined with a fiscally irresponsible government propped up by accommodative central-bank lending always ends badly.

….The biggest beneficiaries of loose money, are our profligate elected officials who refuse to come to grips with budget deficits and an exemption-laden tax code. As long as Treasury can borrow cheaply to paper over the real problems, politicians can demagogue about overspending (GOP) or undertaxing (Democrats) while dodging their responsibility to work together to fix our problems.

via Watch out! Is the Fed pushing us into another bubble? – The Term Sheet: Fortune’s deals blog Term Sheet.

Sowing Seeds of the Next Major Crisis – WSJ News Hub

Francesco Guerrera: “Prolonged intervention by the authorities is creating fundamental distortions in the financial markets. They are in my view going to create the next crisis.”

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You can't borrow yourself out of debt: The Secret of Oz

“You can’t borrow yourself out of debt any more than drink yourself sober.”


Bill Still on the on-going debt problem and the solution proposed by L. Frank Baum in the Wizard of Oz.

Comment:~ The solution proposed is not a magic bullet. Money printed by Treasury, whether in the form of banknotes (“scrip”) or tally sticks, is still Treasury debt; Treasury effectively borrows when the currency is issued in payment and settles when the notes are presented in payment of taxes. It also debases the currency, though not as fast as debt created by the banks. This video serves as a reminder that we still have not solved the global debt problem — merely postponed the inevitable by issuing further debt.

MARC FABER: Beware The Unintended Consequences Of Money Printing

Marc Faber: I do not believe that the central banks around the world will ever, and I repeat ever, reduce their balance sheets. They’ve gone the path of money printing and once you choose that path you’re in it, and you have to print more money.

If you start to print, it has the biggest impact. Then you print more – it has a lesser impact unless you increase the rate of money printing very significantly. And, the third money printing has even less impact. And the problem is like the Fed: they printed money because they wanted to lift the housing market, but the housing market is the only asset that didn’t go up substantially.

In general, I think that the purchasing power of money has diminished very significantly over the last ten, twenty, thirty years, and will continue to do so.

via MARC FABER: Beware The Unintended Consequences Of Money Printing.

The Power of Cheap Money | Puru Saxena | Safehaven.com

Mr. Bernanke is intentionally suppressing the nominal risk free rate of return and he is forcing investors to search for yield. By keeping interest rates artificially low and well below the rate of inflation, the Federal Reserve has engineered this impressive rally in American stocks.

Figure 2 captures the real US Treasury Yield Curve [after deducting inflation] across various maturities. As you can see, the real yields of the entire US Treasury Yield Curve (except the 30-Year US Treasury Bond) are currently negative.

Real US Treasury Yields

via The Power of Cheap Money | Puru Saxena | Safehaven.com.

Citigroup Vows to Try Again as Some Lenders Fail Fed Test – Bloomberg

Citigroup (C), SunTrust (STI), MetLife (MET) and Ally Financial failed to get their capital plans approved in the Fed’s stress tests, which mandated a minimum tier 1 capital ratio of 5%. Citi had a projected 4.9% ratio under the tests, SunTrust a 4.8% ratio, and Ally a mere 2.5% ratio.

The Fed is testing to see how the capital of U.S. banks might hold up through a deep recession and a second housing crisis. The scrutiny focused on variables such as trading and counterparty losses and write-offs on credit cards and first-lien mortgages. Most of the 19 banks passed.

via Citigroup Vows to Try Again as Some Lenders Fail Fed Test – Bloomberg.