Australia: Major banks


Our review of APRA’s June 2019 quarterly report on the four major banks — Commonwealth, Westpac, ANZ and NAB — concludes that they are collectively priced at a 16.5% premium over fair value.

Technically, the ASX 300 Banks Index ($XBAK) is experiencing secondary selling pressure and a correction is likely.

A correction would reduce the premium over fair value and may present buy opportunities.


We project:

  • long-term asset growth at 3.0% p.a. (down from 4.0%);
  • net interest margins at 1.65% of average total assets (down from 1.70%);
  • non-interest operating income of 0.5%;
  • operating expenses at 1.05% (previously 1.10%);
  • provisions for bad/doubtful debts averaging 0.2%;
  • additional equity capital required of $12 billion; and
  • a 30% tax rate.

That delivers a forward PE of 16.9 based on a market cap of $399 billion.

We estimate that the major banks are priced at a 16.5% premium over fair value, based on a 12-year payback period*.

*Note to readers: we have simplified our model by removing the margin of safety and use a lower payback period instead.

Technical Analysis

The ASX 300 Banks index retreated below its rising trendline, warning of a correction. Follow-through below support at 7600 would strengthen the signal, with a target of primary support at 6750.

ASX 300 Banks Index

Book Growth

Total assets are the primary engine of bank revenue. Heady growth of the last two decades ended in 2015, when the ratio of total assets to nominal GDP (right-hand scale) started to decline. Nominal GDP also slowed (5.4% p.a. in June 2019) and is likely to restrict future book growth.

Majors: Total Assets Annual Growth and compared to Nominal GDP

Household debt near saturation level, at close to 200% of disposable income, is another headwind to future book growth.

Australia: Household Debt to Disposable Income

Total asset growth of the major four banks slowed to 1.4% for the twelve months ended June 2019 and we have reduced our long-term projection to 3.0% per year.


RBA rate cuts are squeezing net interest margins, currently 1.73%, and we expect a long-term average of 1.65% of total assets.

Majors: Income & Expenses

Expenses declined to 1.09% of total assets but non-interest income, at 0.56%, is falling even faster.

Non-Interest Income

Fees and commissions — the major component of non-interest income — have suffered the largest falls. Transaction-based fees are the worst performer, while declining credit growth has reduced lending-based fees. The sharp drop in other fees, to 0.19%, is likely to be permanent as banks shed their wealth management operations.

Majors: Fees

We project non-interest income to average 0.50% of total assets in the long-term.


Operating expenses declined to 1.09% of total assets, as the majors attempt to cut costs in line with income, but personnel costs have proven sticky and are falling at a slower rate.

Majors: Operating Expenses

Non-Performing & Past Due Assets

Charges for bad and doubtful debts remain low at 0.09% of total assets but we expect a long-term average of 0.20%.

Majors: Charges for Bad & Doubtful Debts

Impaired loans are falling as a percentage of total loans and advances but past due loans have climbed to 0.6%, reflecting mortgage stress.

Majors: Impaired Assets

Provisions for impaired loans, however, are reasonable at 95.8% of impaired facilities including security held.

Majors: Provisions for Impaired Assets


Common equity Tier 1 capital (CET1) remains low, with a CET1 capital ratio of 10.8% in June 2019, based on risk-weighted assets. CET1 as a percentage of total assets is a low 4.96%.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has called for “more skin in the game“, asking the big four Australian banks to increase their capital holdings in New Zealand subsidiaries by $12 billion:

The RBNZ proposal calls for systemically important banks to hold a minimum of 16% Tier 1 capital against risk-weighted assets, of which 6% would be a regulatory minimum and 10% would act as a counter-cyclical buffer to absorb losses without triggering “resolution or failure options”.

A similar move by APRA is unlikely but RBNZ presents a problem for the big four banks as they will have to raise additional equity to capitalize their NZ subsidiaries. One alternative is to raise equity through a separate listing of their NZ subsidiaries but this is still likely to dilute returns on equity.

Return on Equity

Declining return on assets and increased capital requirements are both exerting downward pressure on return on equity (ROE), from a peak of 20.5% in 2007 to 9.7% in March 2019.

Majors: Return on Total Assets & Return on Equity

Management & Culture

Australian regulator APRA is suffering from regulatory capture. A 146-page capability review, stemming from David Murray’s Financial System Inquiry found APRA “slow, opaque, inefficient, and in urgent need of a culture and leadership overhaul.”


Staff of The Patient Investor may directly or indirectly own shares in the above companies.

Business confidence sags

Australian business confidence is sagging, according to the latest Roy Morgan poll, signaling the end of the post-election bounce*.

Roy Morgan Poll results October 2019

Source: Roy Morgan Business Single Source, Dec 2010-Oct 2019. Average monthly sample over the last 12 months=912.

  • A decreasing number of businesses (40.7%, down 5.8ppts) expect the Australian economy to have ‘good times’ economically over the next year while 52.4% (up 4.2ppts) expect ‘bad times’;
  • In addition, just 44.1% (down 7ppts) of businesses expect ‘good times’ for the Australian economy over the next five years and 45.9% (up 2.9ppts) now expect ‘bad times’.

RBA interest rate cuts don’t seem to be working.

A similar picture is emerging in the US, where CEO confidence is near recession levels.

CEO Confidence Levels

CEO confidence affects hiring and investment decisions and is an important leading indicator for GDP and earnings growth.

*Hat tip to Macrobusiness.

Gold plunges

Gold broke support at $1490/ounce, the base of a bearish descending triangle. A sharp drop on the Trend Index warns of strong selling pressure. Respect of secondary support at $1350 would signal that the primary up-trend is intact, while a test of primary support at $1270 would warn of trend weakness.

Gold (USD/ounce)

Silver similarly broke support at $17.50/ounce, with an even steeper fall on the Trend Index warning of a strong decline, confirming the Gold signal.

Silver (USD/ounce)

The cause of the sharp fall is clear: long-term Treasury yields are rising, increasing the opportunity cost of holding Gold. 10-Year Treasury yield breakout above 2.0% would warn of an up-trend, with an initial target of 2.50%.

10-Year Treasury Yields

The All Ordinaries Gold Index continues its downward trend channel, towards secondary support at 6000. Declining Trend Index peaks again warn of selling pressure. Respect of 6000 would signal that the primary up-trend is intact, while a test of primary support at 5400 would again warn of trend weakness.

All Ordinaries Gold Index

Patience is required

Gold is in a long-term up-trend and a correction may offer an attractive entry point. But we first need to confirm that the up-trend is intact before increasing exposure to gold stocks.

“A hell of a mess in every direction” – Paul Volcker

The S&P 500 strengthened on Friday, closing at a new high of 3067. Volatility (21-day) crossed below 1%, signaling that risk is easing. Money Flow strengthened; a trough above zero suggests another advance. The medium-term target is 3250.

S&P 500

Dow Jones Industrial Average is weaker, with Money Flow having dipped below zero, but breakout above 27,400 would signal another advance. Target for the advance is 29,400.

DJ Industrial Average

“We’re in a hell of a mess in every direction,” is how Paul Volcker, the former Fed Chairman describes it.

Equities are making new highs, while the Fed cuts interest rates. Donald Trump is effectively dictating monetary policy. This could only end badly.

Unemployment and initial jobless claims are near record lows.

Unemployment and Jobless Claims

Inflationary pressures are moderate, with average wage rates growing between 3.0% and 3.5% (production and non-supervisory employees).

Average Wage Rates

GDP growth is slowing, however, and likely to fall further according to our advance indicator (estimated hours worked).

Real GDP and Estimated Hours Worked

Payroll growth is also slowing. While this has been explained as a result of record low unemployment (new employees may be hard to find) it is likely that rising uncertainty has played a big part.

Payroll Growth and Fed Funds Rate

The 3-month TMO of Non-Farm Payrolls kicked up to 0.58%, above the amber risk level of 0.5%.

Payroll Recession Warnings

With 73.5% of stocks having reported for Q3, the price-earnings ratio remains elevated. A reading above 20 warns that stocks are over-priced, especially because expected earnings growth is low.

P/E of Highest Earnings

If we project nominal GDP growth (including inflation) at 3.5% and buyback yields at 3.0% (Q2: 3.26%) that gives us anticipated growth of 6.5%. Add dividend yield of 2.0% (Q2: 1.96%) and we can expect stocks to yield a total return (dividends plus growth) of 8.5%.

Nominal GDP and Estimated Hours Worked * Average wage rate

But that assumes that current price-earnings multiples are maintained. Any downward revision, from earnings disappointments, would most likely result in a negative return.

If you thought the sell-off was over

Flush with new money, the S&P 500 broke resistance at 3030 this week to set a new high. Declining Money Flow,  however, warns of selling pressure. Expect retracement to test the new support level at 3000. Breach would signal another test of support at the recent lows of 2830 to 2860.

S&P 500

Selling pressure on blue chips is a lot stronger, with Money Flow on Dow Jones Industrial Average dipping below zero. Reversal below 26800 would warn of a correction.

DJ Industrial Average

The investment outlook remains Risk-Off, with last week’s ETF investment flows heavily weighted towards bonds.

ETF Flows W/E 25 October 2019

Year-to-date flows reflect a similar picture, with fixed income inflows outweighing the much larger equity ETF market.

ETF Flows YTD 25 October 2019

Supply & Demand

We normally gauge whether stocks are under- or over-priced by comparing earnings to market capitalization, whether in the form of P/E or Robert Shiller’s inflation-adjusted CAPE. But the Fed has shown that stock prices are really a function of supply and demand.

Investment demand skyrocketed in the last decade, with QE driving down bond yields and forcing a large flow of investment funds into equities, searching for yield. The chart below shows estimated market value of publicly-held equity of U.S. domestic (financial and non-financial) corporations and the market value of closely-held equity.

Stock Market Capitalization

Supply of equities in the same period experienced limited growth because of three related factors. First, GDP growth slowed (partly because of QE). Corporate profit growth then slowed as a result. That left management little option. With limited investment opportunities, they returned capital to investors by way of stock buybacks. That restricted the supply of new equities for investment while demand was soaring.

The result was an inevitable surge in prices relative to earnings.

The chart below compares market cap (above) to corporate profits before tax. I have circled 1987 for comparison.

Market Cap/Corporate Profits Before Tax

We remain cautious. Stocks are highly-priced compared to earnings.

Don’t fight the Fed

The Fed is again expanding its balance sheet in response to the recent interest rate spike in repo markets. The effect is the same as QE: the Fed is creating new money (reserve balances) and pumping this into financial markets.

Fed Assets and Excess Reserves on Deposit

Why is this happening?

The US government is issuing record amounts of new Treasuries to cover Donald Trump’s record deficit.

Fed Assets and Excess Reserves on Deposit

According to Luke Gromen: “US govt is on pace to issue $11.3T in USTs on a gross basis in F19.

Gregor Samsa at Macro-Monitor sums up the problem with the following diagram.

Macro Monitor - US Treasury Supply Demand Curves

If supply-demand curves do your head in, the above graph simply says that when you suppress interest rates, there will be a surplus of Treasuries. The yield is less attractive and demand from investors will fall.

Not only do we not have enough domestic buyers, foreign (Chinese?) purchases of US Treasuries are drying up. Primary dealers are required to take up the shortfall on any new issues. The recent price spike tells us they don’t want them.

10-Year Treasury Yields

So it’s all hands to the pump at the Fed. We are likely to see further balance sheet expansion in the months ahead, driving down Treasury yields and the Dollar.

And lifting equities.

The flush of new money is likely to suppress volatility.

S&P 500

And drive equities even further out along the risk curve. Breakout above 3025 would signal another advance.

S&P 500

We remain cautious. Stocks are highly-priced compared to earnings.

Corporate profits are falling in real terms.

Real Corporate Profits

And rising personal savings warn that consumption is likely to fall.

Personal Savings

It all depends on how much money the Fed will print.

Fed Assets and Broad Money

S&P 500 bearish as Fed forced to expand

Juliet Declercq at JDI Research maintains that the normal business cycle has been replaced by a liquidity cycle, where market conditions are dictated by the ebb and flow of money from central banks. Risk will remain elevated for as long as natural price discovery is suppressed and risk-reward decisions are made in an artificial environment controlled by central bankers.

The Fed is again expanding its balance sheet (commonly known as QE) in response to the recent interest rate spike in repo markets.

Fed Assets and Excess Reserves on Deposit

Jeff Snider from Alhambra Partners maintains that the Dollar shortage has been signaled for some time. First by an inverted yield curve in Eurodollar futures, well ahead of in US Treasuries. Then in March 2019, the effective Fed Funds Rate (EFFR) stepped above the interest rate paid by the Fed on excess reserves (deposited by commercial banks at the Fed). According to Jeff, this showed that primary dealers were willing to pay a premium for liquidity. The likely explanation is that they anticipated a severe contraction in inter-bank markets, similar to 2008.

Effective Fed Funds Rate - Interest on Excess Reserves

When the spread spiked upwards in late September, the Fed finally woke up and started pumping money into the system, expanding their balance sheet by over $200 billion in the past few weeks.

Fed balance sheet expansion is normally welcomed by financial markets but broad money (MZM plus time deposits) is surging. Far from a reassuring sign, a similar surge occurred ahead of the last two recessions.

Broad Money

Bearish divergence between the S&P 500 and Trend Index on the daily chart warns of secondary selling pressure. An engulfing candle closed below 3000, strengthening the bear signal. Expect a test of secondary support at 2840.

S&P 500

Volatility (21-day) remains elevated. Volatility spikes at close to, or above, 2% normally accompany market down-turns signaled by arrows on the index chart. Note how rising troughs precede most down-turns and culminate in a trough above 1%. We are not there yet but Volatility above 1% is an amber-level warning.

S&P 500 Volatility

CEO Confidence is falling and normally precedes a fall in the S&P 500 index. What is more concerning is that confidence is at the same lows (right-hand scale) seen in 2001 and 2009.

CEO Confidence

Exercise caution. Probability of a down-turn is high and we maintain a reduced 34% exposure to international equities.

Gold’s hidden correction

There is a lot going on in global financial markets, with a Dollar/Eurodollar shortage forcing the Fed to intervene in the repo market. The Fed will not, on pain of death, call this QE. But it is. The only difference is that the Fed is purchasing short-term Treasury bills rather than long-term notes and mortgage-backed securities (MBS). The effect on the Fed’s balance sheet (and on Dollar reserves held by primary dealers) is the same.

Fed Assets

The effect on the Dollar has been dramatic, with a sharp dip in the Dollar Index. Interesting that this was forewarned by a bearish divergence on the Trend Index since June this year. Financial markets knew this was coming; they just didn’t shout it from the rooftops.

Dollar Index

Gold and precious metals normally surge in price when the Dollar weakens, to be expected as they are priced in USD, but Gold was already weakening, testing support at $1500/ounce.

Spot Gold in USD compared to Real 10-Year Treasury Yields

Silver was similarly testing support at $17.50/ounce.

Spot Silver

The falling Dollar has supported Gold and Silver despite downward pressure from other sources. In effect we have a “hidden” correction, with falling precious metal values obscured by falling unit values. Just as surely as if we had reduced the number of grams in an ounce….

Support for the Dollar would likely result in Gold and Silver breaking support, signaling a correction.

Australia’s All Ordinaries Gold Index, where the effect of the weakening greenback is secondary, has already broken support at 7200 after a similar bearish triangle (to Gold and Silver). Breach warns of another decline. Expect support at 6000.

All Ordinaries Gold Index

Patience is required. Gold is in a long-term up-trend, with a target of the 2012 high at $1800/ounce. A correction would offer an attractive entry point.

ASX and 3 headwinds

Despite recent strong performance, investor enthusiasm may be cooling, with the Australian economy facing three headwinds.

Declining Household Spending

Household income growth is faltering and weighing down consumption. Household spending would have fallen even further, dragging the economy into recession, if households were not digging into savings to maintain their living standards.

Australia: Disposable Income, Consumption and Savings

But households are only likely to draw down on savings when housing prices are high. Commonly known as the “wealth effect” there is a clear relationship between household wealth and consumption. If housing prices were to continue falling then households are likely to cut back on spending and boost savings (including higher mortgage repayments).

Consumption is one of the few remaining contributors to GDP growth. If that falls, the economy is likely to go into recession.

Australia: GDP growth contribution by sector

Housing Construction

The RBA is desperately trying to prevent a further fall in house prices because of the negative effect this will have on household spending (consumption). But rate cuts are not being passed on to borrowers, and households are maintaining their existing mortgage repayments (increasing savings) if they do benefit, rather than increasing spending.

House prices ticked up after the recent fall, in response to RBA interest rate cuts. But Martin North reports that the recovery is only evident in more affluent suburbs with lower mortgage exposure (e.g. Eastern suburbs in Sydney) and that newer suburbs and inner city high-density units are experiencing record levels of mortgage stress.


Building approvals reflect this, with a down-turn in detached housing and a sharp plunge in high density unit construction.
Building Approvals

Dwelling investment is likely to remain a drag on GDP growth over the next year.

Falling Commodity Prices

Iron ore and coal, Australia’s two largest commodity exports, are falling in price as the global economic growth slows. Dalian Commodity Exchange’s most-traded iron ore contract , with January 2020 expiry, closed at 616 yuan ($86.99) per tonne, close to a seven-month low. Falling prices are likely to inhibit further mining investment.

Iron Ore and Coal Prices

Metals & Mining

The ASX 300 Metals & Mining index is testing long-term support at 4100. Breach would complete a head and shoulders reversal, with a target of 3400.

ASX 300 Metals & Mining


The Financial sector recovered this year, trending upwards since January, but faces a number of issues in the year ahead:

  • customer remediation flowing from issues exposed by the Royal Commission;
  • net interest margins squeezed as the RBA lowers interest rates;
  • continued pressure to increase capital ratios are also likely to impact on dividend payout ratios;
  • low housing (construction and sales) activity rates impact on fee income; and
  • high levels of mortgage stress impact on borrower default rates.

ASX 200 Financials index faces strong resistance at 6500. There is no sign of a reversal at present but keep a weather eye on primary support at 6000. We remain bearish in our outlook for the sector and breach of 6000 would warn of a primary decline with a target of 5200.

ASX 200 Financials

REITs are experiencing selling pressure despite an investment market desperate for yield. Dexus (DXS) may be partly responsible after the office and industrial fund reported a 26% profit fall in the first half of 2019.


ASX 200

The ASX 200 is showing signs of (secondary) selling pressure, with a tall shadow on this week’s candle and a lower peak on the Trend index. Expect a test of support at 6400; breach would offer a target of 5400.

ASX 200

We maintain exposure to Australian equities at 22% of portfolio value, with a focus on defensive and contra-cyclical stocks, because of our bearish outlook.

Martin North: Mortgage stress highest ever in Australia

Martin North at DFA does monthly household surveys to assess the granularity of property data in Australia. What he finds is that one-third of households (about 1 million) are in mortgage stress. In Sydney, the problem is concentrated in the Western suburbs and inner city units.

Many Western and outer fringe households bought in at high prices and have experienced price falls of 30% or more. They are locked in because of little or no remaining equity and cannot refinance to get the benefit of lower rates. They have run down savings and run up credit cards in the hope that the situation would improve but there has been little movement in these areas and banks are starting to foreclose.

Inner city units have suffered similar price falls but also face the problem of poor construction standards which makes resale difficult.

Martin is skeptical of high auction clearance rates and recovery in prices, pointing out that this is largely restricted to the Eastern suburbs where households enjoy much lower mortgage exposure relative to property values.

Hat tip to Macrobusiness where I found the video.