The Craft of Ruling: Which Country Has the Best Government?
By Bernhard Zand
American political scientist Charles Kupchans claims that there is a “mismatch between the growing demand for good governance and its shrinking supply,” putting Western powers under pressure. He says it’s no coincidence that the political systems in the US, Europe and Japan are all discovering their limits almost simultaneously. Their traditional tools, such as their currency control instruments, have repeatedly proven to be powerless when faced with the sheer might of global financial groups. Likewise, democratic governments, which rely on the approval of their electorate, “have proved far better at distributing benefits than at apportioning sacrifice.” Worse still, many likeminded Western democracies no longer see eye-to-eye on how to solve global problems, from climate change to the isolation of Iran.
via Good Governance Series: Which Goverment Is Best – SPIEGEL ONLINE.