Robert Shiller: Financial capitalism "Taking over the world"

Yale professor Robert Shiller discusses his book “Finance and the Good Society”.

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5 Replies to “Robert Shiller: Financial capitalism "Taking over the world"”

  1. Greed is the root cause of all economic woes, and it is only a total restructuring of the economic system, including the removal of the creation of credit, the faking of fantasy finance, from the banker’s control, which can resolve, not exacerbate our current mess.
    Money is purely a means of simplified barter, where people trade their skills and time for physical reward. The wealth of a nation is representative of the community’s labour, ingenuity, yet a small group of people, the bankers, have illegally claimed ownership of this representation of community wealth and are loaning the community OUR money, and are charging us interest for accessing our own wealth.
    Is this moral?
    Moreover, this leads on a path to totalization of economic control in the hands of an elite few, and to a debt crisis, as the interest to be paid to those illegally claiming ownership of our money does not exist.
    A=Total world Cash in existence
    B=Interest to be paid to banks
    How can A+B=A?
    What we are witnessing is a global takeover by the mega rich, America is now a socialist state, controlled by Wall St. which has been validated and financed in their economic madness by the unwitting taxpayers, through government backing, loans, and we, the people doing the work, the suckers at the bottom of the pile, are pawns in an heartless, viscious, immoral game between the world financiers, to see who can grab the most at the highest cost to you and I.
    Capitalism is just another name for slavery, socialism, dictatorial control, and the thoughts expressed by Mr. Schiller are antiquated, illogical, ludicrous, and will in no way resolve the economic mess we are in.

    1. Expansion of debt over the last century has robbed the middle class of their savings by debasing the currency and encouraging inflation. There were no complaints from the victims because they were foolish enough to believe that they were being enriched through rising home equity and soaring stock prices — only to see these twin pillars of speculation collapse. Unfortunately debt doesn’t shrink in value along with equity. And the realization is slowly growing that they have been duped.

      1. Spot on, and the lambs are still galloping to the slaughter, blindly, ignorantly, stupidly believeing politicians care, are interested in Joe Citizen’s welfare, rather than Big Bank, Big Pharm, Big Capitalists.
        There will be no change unless the people are given access to the truth of how the banks are manipulating the economy, and the government, to get themselves the highest possible profits, no matter what the cost to the American, and global citizens.
        This is the rush to a carefully planned total, world wide economic collapse, which is only months away.
        This, of course, will introduce the GLOBAL BANK, GOVERNMENT and implementation of socialist slavery in every nation that doesn’t already have it.
        Anyone who thinks the current cash catastrophe we are now experiencing is some sort of unfortunate, alien or demon controlled accident, should take off the rose colored glasses and recognize that America now is a Socialist state, controlled by an elite who can access the military forces to maintain their dictatorial financial stranglehold on us, no matter what the cost to the now defunct Constitution and citizen freedom.
        Sadly, we, the public, allowed our governments to become subservient to the bankers, who own the arms manufacturers, (war is America’s major industry,) the real estate corporations, in fact all industry, as all are in horrific debt to the bankers, and the bankers can direct the economy which ever way they choose.
        So much for freedom; “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”

  2. From a person that has been screwed by the financial system this is far too simplistic. Dr J

  3. The simplicity of the changes needed to resolve the global economic woes are exactly why the ‘experts’ cannot comprehend that it is only by implementing a CREDIT banking system, with the government, rather than the bankers controlling the ‘creation’ of credit, which can fix our collapsing financial scenario.
    If the system we have utilized for the last few hundred years has consistently proven to be pro-banker, capitalist, anti citizens, who, through their work actually produce the money, then surely it is time the experts recognize their debit banking system has proven itself to be detrimental to all but the mega-rich bankers, and support moves to try a true alternate economic system.
    Note banks huge profits.
    This says the problem is not with the community, but is blatantly vindicating the suggestion that the banks are purely the source, the CAUSE, of all our economic woes.

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