Monetary contraction in Portugal has intensified at an alarming pace and is mimicking the pattern seen in Greece before its economy spiralled out of control, raising concerns that the EU summit deal may soon [be] washed over by fast-moving events.
via Europe’s rescue euphoria threatened as Portugal enters ‘Grecian vortex’ – Telegraph.
with all due respect (and i really mean this bec everyone is way smarter than me),
all these doom and gloom articles mean little.
most major markets have broken out to the upside despite resistance and
twiggs money flow divergences.
fact is…the price trends are usually smarter and they predict blue skies and roses ahead.
Rich beware bull traps set by day traders and hedge funds for simplistic technical analysis. You may be right but blind faith in technicals without understanding fundamentals and Macro economics has led many a tech trader to bankruptcy court esp if leveraged. Good luck.