Economist Editor: 2012 is going to be pretty sluggish

Economist Editor: 2012 is going to be pretty sluggish — with risk of “self-induced” stagnation

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With focus on Europe, lack of U.S. debt progress slips under radar | Economy | News | Financial Post

Following a month where markets have locked on to developments in Europe, the lack of progress from the so-called U.S. Super Committee on debt has flown under the radar, an analyst warned Thursday.

Douglas Borthwick, managing director at Faros Trading, LLC, said in his latest report that U.S. debt troubles will likely take centre stage once again in the coming months.

“We argue that while Europe is dealing with their fiscal issues, we have yet to hear from the ‘Super Committee’ set up by the U.S. congress to find ways to decrease spending in the longer term,” he said.

via With focus on Europe, lack of U.S. debt progress slips under radar | Economy | News | Financial Post.