Does a Dead Kazakh KGB Chief Own Sherlock’s House? – The Daily Beast

From Michael Weiss:

…..“These wealthy oligarchs all come to London because it’s a really good place to put your money,” Simon Farrell QC, a British attorney who specializes in corporate crime and money laundering, told The Daily Beast. “It’s a fantastic place to hold property because it’s a secure democracy where the rule of law is taken seriously, where the judiciary is not corrupt and where you can trust the legal profession. In many parts of the world the super-rich can’t be sure that their assets will be safe.”

Indeed, London has now earned the unflattering designation of the world’s No. 1 money-laundering capital, with an estimated $1 billion pouring in each month…..A stunning £122 billion in real estate in England and Wales is held be companies registered outside England and Wales, according to Global Witness….

Read more at Does a Dead Kazakh KGB Chief Own Sherlock’s House? – The Daily Beast.