The monetary policy revolution

James Alexander, head of Equity Research at UK-based M&G Equities, sums up the evolution of central bank thinking. He describes the traditional problem of inadequate response by central banks to market shocks like the collapse of Lehman Brothers:

Although wages hold steady when nominal income falls, unemployment tends to rise as companies scramble to cut costs. In the wake of the crash, rising joblessness created a vicious circle of declining consumption and investment that proved very difficult to reverse, particularly as central banks remained preoccupied with inflation.

Failure of both austerity and quantitative easing has left central bankers looking for new alternatives:

…..Economist Michael Woodford presented a paper [at Jackson Hole last August] suggesting that the US Federal Reserve (Fed) should give markets and businesses a bigger steer about where the economy was headed by adopting a nominal economic growth target. In September, the Fed announced its third round of QE, which it has indicated will continue until unemployment falls below 6.5% – the first time US monetary policy has been explicitly tied to an unemployment rate. US stocks have since soared, shrugging off continued inaction surrounding the country’s ongoing debt crisis.

While targeting unemployment is preferable to targeting inflation, it is still a subjective measure that can be influenced by rises or falls in labor participation rates and exclusion of casual workers seeking full-time employment. Market Monetarists such as Scott Sumner and Lars Christensen advocate targeting nominal GDP growth instead — a hard, objective number that can be forecast with greater accuracy. Mark Carney, due to take over as governor of the BOE in July, seems to be on a similar path:

Echoing Michael Woodford’s comments at Jackson Hole, he advocated dropping inflation targets if economies were struggling to grow. He has since proposed easing UK monetary policy, adopting a nominal growth target and boosting recovery by convincing households and businesses that rates will remain low until growth resumes.

While NGDP targeting has been criticized as a “recipe for runaway inflation”, experiences so far have not borne this out. In fact NGDP targeting would have the opposite effect when growth has resumed, curbing inflation and credit growth and preventing a repeat of recent housing and stock bubbles.

Read more at Outlook-for-UK-equities-2013-05_tcm1434-73579.pdf.

Are Australian banks really sound?

Business Spectator reports:

In a statement APRA chairman John Laker said that, in implementing the Basel III liquidity reforms, the authority’s objectives were to improve its ability to assess and monitor ADIs’ liquidity risk and strengthen the resilience of the Australian banking system.

“APRA believes ADIs are well-placed to meet the new liquidity requirements on the original timetable and doing so will send a strong message about the soundness of the Australian banking system,” he said.

If you repeat misinformation often enough, people will believe it is true. Australian banks face two risks: liquidity risk and solvency risk. Addressing liquidity risk does not address solvency risk. Australian banks report risk-weighted capital ratios which are misleading if not downright dangerous. Risk-weighting encourages banks to concentrate exposure in areas historically perceived as low risk, such as residential mortgages. When all banks are over-weight the same asset, the risk profile changes — as Eurozone banks discovered with government bonds.

If we remove risk-weighting, as proposed in the US Brown-Vitter bill, the four majors in Australia would have capital ratios of 3 to 4 percent. Not much of a capital buffer in these uncertain times.

The insufferable conceit | MacroBusiness

Sell on News at Macrobusiness observes:

Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs recently commented that the financial system is plagued by large scale fraud. He blamed it on a docile president, a docile White House and docile regulators……..

Sachs is right in his observations, of course. But I am not sure he is right to imply that it is new. I think Greed and Wall Street have been bedfellows as long as Wall Street has existed.

Read more at The insufferable conceit | | MacroBusiness.

Blame del Pont for the nightmarish rise in Argentine inflation | The Market Monetarist

Lars Christensen cites MercoPress on hyper-inflation in Argentina:

Because of inflation, people collect their salaries and rush to turn them into foreign currency”, added the money traders…

He observes:

The collapse of the peso should be no surprise to anybody who have studied Milton Friedman. Unfortunately Argentina’s central bank governor Mercedes Marcó del Pont hates Milton Friedman, but she loves printing money to finance public spending.

Read more at Blame del Pont for the nightmarish rise in Argentine inflation | The Market Monetarist.

In Brown-Vitter Bill, a Banking Overhaul With Possible Teeth |

Jesse Eisinger from ProPublica skewers big banks’ objections to increasing capital buffers as proposed by the bipartisan Brown-Vitter bill:

Goldman Sachs and S.& P. estimate the big banks might be forced to raise $1 trillion or more. That’s a lot, so much that the leviathans’ agents cry out that they couldn’t sell that much stock. But they don’t have to raise it all at once. And they can retain their earnings and stop paying dividends in addition to selling shares.

In putting that argument forward, they don’t realize they make Senator Brown’s and Senator Vitter’s case for them. If investors are so terrified of the big banks that they won’t buy their stock, that’s a terrific problem. Most of the big banks trade below their net worth, an indication that investors don’t trust them. Brown-Vitter might actually help banks by restoring that trust.

Read more at In Brown-Vitter Bill, a Banking Overhaul With Possible Teeth | Deal Book |

How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank | The Nation

Gary Rivlin gives us an insight into the machinations of Wall street lobbyists on Capitol Hill:

As he prepared to sign the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act—the sweeping legislative package designed to prevent another spectacular financial collapse—into law, the president [Obama] first acknowledged the miracle of having a bill to sign at all. “Passing this…was no easy task,” he told the crowd of hundreds. “We had to overcome the furious lobbying of an array of powerful interest groups and a partisan minority determined to block change.”

Indeed, some 3,000 lobbyists had swarmed the Capitol in hopes of killing off pieces of the proposed bill……

That sense of victory barely lasted barely the morning. …..After Dodd-Frank’s passage, lobbyists for the big banks and industry trade groups divided themselves into eighteen working groups, each organized around a different element of the new law. “That’s when the real work began,” Talbott tells me……

Read more at How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank | The Nation.

Eurozone risks Japan-style trap as deflation grinds closer | Telegraph

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports:

The region’s core inflation rate – which strips out food and energy – fell to 1pc in March. This is far below expectations and leaves monetary union with a diminishing safety buffer. “The eurozone is tracking the experience in Japan in mid-1990s. There is a very high risk of a slide into deflation,” said Lars Christensen, a monetary theorist at Danske Bank.

Read more at Eurozone risks Japan-style trap as deflation grinds closer – Telegraph.