The price of oil, Canada’s biggest commodity export, reached a new 2011 low Tuesday.
November oil slipped as much as $74.95 US a barrel, its lowest since September of 2010. It recovered somewhat, but still closed down $1.94 at $75.67 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, its third straight day of losses.
Crude rose to three-year highs this year, but the reasons often cited for that increase — fears of growing Middle East tensions, rising Chinese demand, bullish views from investment banks and expectations of an aggressive U.S. stimulus plan — have diminished.
Other market watchers have suggested the price gained solely because of rampant speculation on the commodities markets.
The Sceptical Inflationist | Steve Saville |
The reason we are in the inflation camp is that the case for more inflation in the US doesn’t depend on private-sector credit expansion; it depends on the ability and willingness of the Fed to monetise sufficient debt to keep the total supply of money growing. A consistent theme in our commentaries over the past 10 years has been that the Fed could and would keep the inflation going after the private sector became saturated with debt.
Up until 2008 there was very little in the way of empirical evidence to support the view that the Fed COULD inflate in the face of a private sector credit contraction, but that’s no longer the situation. Thanks to what happened during 2008-2009, we can now be certain that the Fed has the ability to counteract the effects on the money supply of widespread private sector de-leveraging. The only question left open to debate is: will the Fed CHOOSE to do whatever it takes to keep the inflation going in the future?
via The Sceptical Inflationist | Steve Saville |
Is the SP 500 on the Verge of a Rally? | JW Jones |
After the nasty downside probe today, there are layers of buy stops above current price levels. If price worked high enough, the stops would be triggered and an all out rally could play out. Anything coming out of the Eurozone that appears to be either stimulative or that appears to push an ultimatum out on the time spectrum will be viewed as positive.
Often news and price action play out together at key support/resistance levels and it would make sense that some form of announcement will be made when the S&P 500 price is sitting right at a long term support level.
via Is the SP 500 on the Verge of a Rally? | JW Jones |
That would be a bear market rally rather than a reversal.
Bernanke criticises China over currency –
The chairman of the US Federal Reserve has accused China of damaging prospects for a global economic recovery through its deliberate intervention in the currency market to hold down the value of the renminbi.
…..“Right now, our concern is that the Chinese currency policy is blocking what might be a more normal recovery process in the global economy,” he said. “It is to some extent hurting the recovery”.
Bull versus bear is dead –
As the S&P500 rocketed into the close this morning on yet another European bailout rumour, it occurred to me just how broken the equity market is right now. We are trapped in bear market dynamics of grinding sell-offs punctuated by explosive short-covering rallies with no end in sight.
….. Days like today are not some romantic struggle between bulls and bears, they are a reminder that in periods of structural risk that volatility reigns. Anyone that tells you otherwise is a fool or trying to sell you something.
via Bull versus bear is dead – |
The Ugly World Of Auto Sales | ZeroHedge
While the media giddily reported the September new vehicle sales numbers, beneath the surface, there was little to be giddy about. At 1,053,722 units, sales were down 2% from an already lousy August, but up 10% from an even lousier September 2010.
….But September benefited from a traumatic August: Consumer confidence was hit by the absurd debt-ceiling negotiations in Congress; stock markets worldwide plummeted; and upheavals in the Eurozone made it into the daily news. Then during the last week of August, hurricane Irene wreaked havoc on the East Coast. Sales in the affected areas came to a halt.
To Cure the Economy – Joseph E. Stiglitz – Project Syndicate
The economy was very sick before the crisis; the housing bubble merely papered over its weaknesses. Without bubble-supported consumption, there would have been a massive shortfall in aggregate demand. Instead, the personal saving rate plunged to 1%, and the bottom 80% of Americans were spending, every year, roughly 110% of their income. Even if the financial sector were fully repaired, and even if these profligate Americans hadn’t learned a lesson about the importance of saving, their consumption would be limited to 100% of their income. So anyone who talks about the consumer “coming back” – even after deleveraging – is living in a fantasy world.
via To Cure the Economy – Joseph E. Stiglitz – Project Syndicate.
Follow the Money: Behind Europe’s Debt Crisis Lurks Another Giant Bailout of Wall Street
A Greek (or Irish or Spanish or Italian or Portuguese) default would have roughly the same effect on our financial system as the implosion of Lehman Brothers in 2008. Financial chaos.
….The Street has lent only about $7 billion to Greece, as of the end of last year, according to the Bank for International Settlements. That’s no big deal.
But a default by Greece or any other of Europe’s debt-burdened nations could easily pummel German and French banks, which have lent Greece (and the other wobbly European countries) far more.
That’s where Wall Street comes in. Big Wall Street banks have lent German and French banks a bundle.
Bernanke Defends Fed Focus on Unemployment
In an appearance before the Joint Economic Committee, Bernanke blamed slow-growing consumer spending, which accounts for 70 percent of economic activity, on persistently high unemployment and the gnawing fear among a growing number of Americans that their jobs may be at risk. After noting that the decline in home values and financial assets also contributed to decreasing confidence, he said “probably the most significant factor depressing consumer confidence, however, has been the poor performance of the job market.”
Wall St rallies on Europe hopes | The Australian
US stocks rallied this morning, as a report European Union finance ministers are discussing ways to recapitalise European banks fuelled a fierce comeback in the final hour of trading.