Ambrose Evans-Pritchard attacks euro-zone austerity:
Britain’s public debt was 260pc of GDP in 1816 at the end of near perma-wars: Seven Years War, American War of Independence, and the Napoleonic Wars. This was whittled down to 24pc over the next century by the magical compound effects of economic growth. The debt reached 220pc in 1945, the price for defeating fascism. This was certainly a drag on the post-War recovery, but it did not stop debt falling to 36pc by the mid-1990s.
Britain twice recovered from massive debt through a combination of growth and inflation — not necessarily in that order — but they had control of their own currency. The states of Europe are strait-jacketed by a currency dominated by the austerity-minded Bundesbank.
Read more at Debunking austerity claims makes no difference to Europe's monks and zealots – Telegraph Blogs.
UK central bank controls the man with the group Bildenburg-Germany !!!
UK also dominated by the austerity-minded Bundesbank-
foe in big trouble !!!