We have changed the format of the Trading Diary to enable faster delivery and shorter, more readable newsletters. The old format had expanded to the point that it would take some readers hours to get through and even longer for me to write. The mailing list has also grown to 130,000 readers and it can take up to 12 hours to receive a post from when it is written.
I will post fresh analysis to this trading blog through the day, as the various markets open and close. Posts of no more than a few paragraphs are easier to digest and the Comments section on each page will hopefully encourage greater interaction with readers. Praise is welcome but constructive criticism has helped greatly to strengthen my analysis over the years.
Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy the new format. Your Comments will be appreciated.
Really impressed by the new format and overview of the major markets and then the click through link for regional ones.
I like it.
Please continue your analysis of the Korean market. It is the only analysis I have found in English and don’t know where else I would turn to!
I still can’t believe I get all this for the momey.
The info is excellent,very informative, and appreciated
Better the short format,thanks. Over all for me that I’m not fluently in english. By the way, I’ve noticed you don’t have at all in account.the oversold or overbought condition sized on classical indicators like RSI Macd or Stochastic.
Colin, thank you for the great e-mails, I sincerely regret that you have shorten them.
They were just fine as they covered what needed to be covered.
After all this is a big and complex world and so the need to “digest” should be answered by extra effort by your readers, and not by you cutting down on crucial information. Your e-mails are worth every minute I spend on them. The longer than better.
Hope you will reconsider.
Hi Colin
I like the new format….. shorter and more frequent with RRS feed gets the thumbs up from me keep up the good work!
Your newsletter has always been great reading but as you suggest it is sometimes a bit long and difficult to digest so much info valuable though it is.
I welcome the new format and wish you all the very best.
We have been following your analysis for some time, and always look forward to and appreciate your market commentary!
Good luck with the new delivery and format for The Trading Diary! We continue to look forward to its quality and precision.
With best regards,
SJW Trading Company
Thanks Colin for the time and effort you put into your very professional newsletters. Looking forward to the new format.
I downloaded your software for a FREE Trial last week , yet I don’t have a clue how to install an indicator , left click , right click ??????… I’m baffled
I would like to become a subscriber but have no idea how to get an indictor MACD , RSI , AROON , Elder Ray etc. etc. etc. etc to show on the screen HELP
thank you
Joe if u use comsec gen chat Ive been helping few people on saturday afternoons how to set up indicators on Incred Charts ,, many more people using them now ..cheers qed
Impecable como siempre los comentarios estimado Colin, mis respetos desde Argentina, MAB
Being older I don’t care for change. The old format was not a problem. I’m sure I will adjust to the new as well. I really got a lot from the charts and I don’t see them on the blog.
I hope you are not discontinuing the updates by email as I find I keep up with email newsletters, but not with blog-based ones. Over the years I’ve whittled down the number of financial newsletters I read and yours is one of the three I read regularly. The info you provide is always amazing both in quantity and in quality, is insightful, and is always appreciated. Good luck in whatever format you publish (but please keep email updates!).
I discovered how to subscribe for email notification of new posts; that works for me! I already have 11 in my inbox this morning but luckily they’re bite sized and I can skip over the topics that don’t interest me. Cool. Thanks again.
Excellent format, Excellent Info. Thanks.
Allen B
would like to see point and figure analysis in the diary as well because i know Colin likes point and figure as well. Or do we still leave the point and figure market interpretation to the experts ?
has made a great site even better,like the regional aspect.
Dave Mc
I Like the new Format!!!!. Great Idea!.
The new format is good but I do prefer the detail available in the old format.
Thanks for a great service.
Bill D.
what I most like in your Trading Diary is the overview of markets, commodities, FX and the world economy. The new format is practical, but I used the somewhat daily letters to follow the markets in general. Only posts on indexes grew long but it could be split into major and other markets. I mean “major” (USA, DAX, FTSE, China, India, Japan and Australia) those being in the posts for a long time. Newcomers like Singapur, New Zeland, South Africa, etc. would be published on a different day.
Again, I use your posts to keep myself on track not to make daily decisions. For me, it is easier to read some pages on different markets once than walking posts to gather them. Please, don’t leave the weekly letters behind
Anyway, THANKS for the great conclusions!
Colin, Have been following your updates on a regular basis and find them amazingly accurate. Suggest you track Nifty for the Indian markets instead of sensex as most of the futures and options are traded on Nifty now ($cnxn). My view is that if Nifty doesnt close below 4949 for 2 consecutive days we are in for new highs from this level.
Hi, also my sincere thanks for the great analysis over the years.
So far i’m missing the old format though, what was nice was i could just skim though the full email and visually see your charts.
Thinking about it, would it be possible to include the image of the chart in the rss entry content? That may be closer to the old format while still going through rss.
Thanks again for the awesome content!
Is it just me? Your RSS link is not working.
I thought that your “old” format was excellent, and for me it felt like a very comprehensive yet brief overview of the more important global indexes. Which enabled a quick market catch-up along with your very informative indicators, unfortunately the new format is not as comprehensive.
I am missing the old format. Everything I wanted to know about was in one place. Easy to read and to the point. The old format was a great lunch-time read and I didn’t have to go any further than my inbox to read it.
Colin, Changes are positive in my view. Unfortunately we are creatures of habit and once familiar with a process the natural human response is to place barriers in the way. However, nothing improves without change, otherwise we would all still be paddling logs. People should familiarise themselves with the new format before rejecting it. Keep up the good work. Bob (9th Sept 2011).